Leatherman MUT: great-looking successor to the Skeletool

I shudder just looking at that thing. I just imagine someone using the hook to tug on something stuck while they still have the blade extended. Shortly thereafter, a lot of blood ensues. I’m getting dizzy as I type this.

The original and PSTII are the largest ones that will slip into my front left pocket without damaging the pocket lining.

My point, which I’m trying to use to answer your original question, is contained in the above observation. :slight_smile:

I have plenty of proper tools, some of them over a hundred years old, some of them created less than 24 hours ago. But the leatherman is in my pocket, any time I’m wearing pants. Thus over the last 20 years it has probably saved me a hundred hours or more of time I would have had to spend fetching tools.


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