LGBTQ+ & Queer Positive News

Some photos from Trans and Intersex Pride in Dublin today:

Very good turnout, this was the second post-lockdowns march and the numbers were far larger than the ones before COVID. Very positive overall, lots of solidarity from people on the street.


Juggalos have always been more diverse than people give them credit for; ICP’s lyrics are all about giving outcasts a voice, accepting people for who they are, and, of course, murdering bigots with a hatchet. But over the last few years, the more ultra-hip, gender non-conforming kids have been making their presence felt. And while juggalos as a whole are very welcoming, no one would ever consider them “woke”… at least not yet.

Case in point: A trans juggalette named Steph performed in the Miss Juggalette contest at the Gathering this year, and while 99 percent of the crowd was cheering for her, there were some people making transphobic comments. A 20-year-old trans juggalo named Goliath told me that he was really uncomfortable watching it. “At the Gathering there is the layered aspect of slightly conservative energy from the older folk,” he said. “I have my community that I know and feel good with, but it’s the 30- to 40-year-old crowd that is behind on understanding us.”


30- to 40-year-olds are the “older folk”?

Uh Oh Sam GIF by GLOW Netflix


For the Juggalos, sure… The first wave of fans would be late 30s and early 40s, people a bit younger than me (so late Gen Xers, Xellenials, and millennials.


feelings feel better GIF


This place is a comfort to people I know. They’ve also opened their doors to many community groups.


Specifically, doxy-PEP cut new cases of chlamydia by about 80% and gonorrhea by more than 50%. It also reduced cases of syphilis, but there were fewer cases to report in their trial, she says. It proved so effective that the trial was stopped early so the control group, which wasn’t using the antibiotic, could also start receiving it.

Currently looking at this for MSM and trans women, where the results have been pretty remarkable. The only study cited for straight women was in Kenya and found little impact, but there are a ton of complicating factors in generalizing that study. Ounce of prevention and all that. Of course, condoms are still more effective than any meds, but in situations where this may not be an option, doxy-PEP may be a pretty effective second best.


Probably worth looking into as part of a sexual assault protocol too. Give this to all and this and plan B to anyone who could get pregnant



The findings are likely due to some combination of “differences in anatomy, differences in antimicrobial resistant strains in different parts of the world, and adherence” to the medication, says Stewart, who emphasizes that there need to be more studies before drawing any firm conclusions that doxy-PEP doesn’t work in most women.

Not currently recommended for cis women, but the dreaded “further research needed” raises it’s ugly head again. Not gonna read too much into the Kenyan study just yet. We have repeatedly had studies in developing nations not seem to apply to US populations, probably due to better nourished people and different microbial pressures. Need a study in US women at high risk, but this would probably be sex workers, and those kind of studies can be hard to get funded, because “Yuck! Sex workers!” :rage:


David Tennant, unsurprisingly, supports trans rights.


“David Tennant, of Dr Who fame, apparently said some pro trans things and now the TERFs are going after him on Twitter. His response is that he isn’t worried because, and I quote, “I’ll be fine, Terfs can’t climb stairs””



Thank you! I should have pasted the whole quote since it didn’t get included from the link.


Thanks for bringing the Tenant!


I never think it’s possible for David Tennant to make me like him more than i already do , yet he somehow manages to prove me wrong.


Newsom said later that the state would begin delivering the banned textbooks to students and their parents in the school district if the Temecula school board did not lift the ban by its next meeting. He said the state will then send the district the bill for the textbooks and fine them for violating state law. Schools are scheduled to open in Temecula on Aug. 14.

“Cancel culture has gone too far in Temecula: radicalized zealots on the school board rejected a textbook used by hundreds of thousands of students,” Newsom said in the press release.


“If you’re gay, lesbian, transgender, live your fucking life,” Barkley said. “And if anybody give you shit, you tell them Charles Barkley says go fuck yourself.”

So Say We All GIFs | Tenor