A cartoon version of a comic book about being queer in China
Now that’s a drag queen!
Superior to Too Wong Foo; which it inspired.
I mean- it has drag Elrond and a happy ending for the trans woman character.
I’m worried.
Speaking up can get things to change.
I hate that the school board used the word “lifestyle” to describe someone as being gay.
Dropping out, taking acid, and following the Grateful Dead is a lifestyle. Being gay is not.
Start calling cisgender and heterosexuality lifestyle choices and see how long it takes before they complain.
Some good news!
Follow up:
Late Stage Live!, a monthly queer, leftist, gen-z late night comedy show on YouTube and public access.
The first LGBTQ rights organization, The Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, was founded in Berlin by Magnus Hirschfeld on this day in 1897.