Light turnout for Trump inauguration

[quote=“dfaris, post:167, topic:93289”]
You can’t play a game of Monopoly and then claim that the money for Free Parking is unfair when you lose.[/quote]
Money for free parking is not playing by the rules.


Something I ran across several times on Instagram today…


But it sometimes a house rule, and agreed on ahead of time, so complaining about how it helped you lose would be bad form.


As someone pointed out to me earlier, Obama supporters had no jobs. It’s quite a tribute to the success of his administration that so few people are out of work and able to attend Trump’s inauguration.


Some of us most definitely were. I remember marching in protests after Gore won the popular vote but lost the election; I remember holding a sign that said ONE PERSON ONE VOTE and getting interviewed by the local paper. There was a lot of anger then, but the targets were more widespread, due to not just the electoral college but also the antiquated voting machines, widespread voter fraud, and Ken Blackwell making sure Bush won Ohio. It was a mess.[quote=“dfaris, post:167, topic:93289”]
had Hillary’s team been smart (or lucky) enough to exploit it the way Trump did,

That’s the problem. She played by the rules; he discarded them, exploited the electoral college, and figured out how to win no matter what. But nothing can change the fact that, in terms of individual people choosing their leader, he lost by millions. That has to hurt, knowing that he only won on paper.


He only managed about a sixth the numbers that turned out at Nurnberg in 1937. See how many there are at a Trump rally in 2020. If there is a 2020.


All your base are belong to us!

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Bernie might disagree.


I’m not talking about the primaries, the DNC, Bernie, or any of that.
I’m only talking about her actual campaign. She did what people expect a candidate to do. She ran ads, she opened campaign offices, she spent money. Trump focused on rallies, social media, and the key states he knew would be crucial. At the time, people thought Trump wasn’t even trying – that he had given up and was going thru the motions, that he “clearly didn’t want to win”. Turns out he was just ignoring expectations.



no, beauty left the White House.

Probably not.

She’s a trophy wife, nothing more. If Drumpf finds someone else, he’ll divorce Melania and that’s family values for you!

that is brilliant!

wise words that I will put to good use

She probably is good at cracking nuts


On Slate’s Trumpcast they did a really good episode about how Trump used the same techniques as spam marketing to drive his campaign.

It’s really fascinating to listen to, and the scary thing is he owns these email lists now privately (the whole RNC database) so he can continue to market to his base forever.


We have seen them a bunch of times.Rick is a guitar God.

The idea that she played by the rules is absurd, as is the claim that Trump found some previously unknown way to exploit the electoral system. I am positive that HRC knows more about the electoral system than many constitutional scholars.

I still have not seen any real information on how many entrances were blocked successfully. According to WaPo, there were groups at all 12 checkpoints, and I have images and video of at least five that were successfully blocked.

Why? In what way is it “absurd”? What I’m saying is that she ran a very traditional Presidential campaign, using the same strategies (almost by the book) that worked so well for Obama. She did what was expected, but it wasn’t good enough.[quote=“Max_Blancke, post:197, topic:93289”]
the claim that Trump found some previously unknown way to exploit the electoral system

I didn’t say he found an unknown way to exploit the system. I said he didn’t spend money where people expected him to (TV, radio, office staff) and focused on specific battleground states with a well-funded, but relatively cheap, social media campaign bolstered by populist rallies. His campaign found a smart way to speak to the people he wanted to speak to.


Meanwhile, to (somewhat) return to the topic: estimated turnout for the march in DC today is half a million :heart_eyes:

Big crowds in other cities, too. #Womensmarch if you’re on Twitter. It’s awesome.


Bernie would disageee with the structure of parties, but ultimately Bernie might agree in that nothing discussed in “EMAILS!!!” showed a significant factor in her winning the primaries.


Ironically, I’m the only one of my friends without a full-time job. I’m also the only one NOT at a protest march today.

Maybe Obama supporters just had better jobs, with generous PTO. :wink:


I’m sure you also have photos of the Trump supporters unable to enter the National Mall and waiting quietly before giving up and going home. Social media must be full of the photos and accounts. Remember that Trump was expecting record numbers, so we’re talking about something like a million people who must have been pretty pissed off that the liberals blocked the entrances and stopped them from attending. These people didn’t use the metro system either:

As of 11 a.m. ET on Friday, Metro counted 193,000 rides, less than half the 513,000 it counted in 2009 and far fewer than the 317,000 it did for Obama’s second inauguration, in 2013. On Saturday, Metro counted 275,000 trips before 11 a.m., also surpassing the figure from the previous morning.

To be fair though. one factor that could explain some of the difference in numbers is that Trump’s support is not strong at all in DC or other major cities, making it more difficult for supporters to reach the inauguration.