Lil Nas X drops first new music in a year, to howls of complaint from right-wing evangelists

This reminds a bit of the similar criticisms of Damian Marley and his video for “Nail Pon Cross”, showing that some folks can’t understand the simple message of “be careful who you nail pon cross”

Yeah, if tr0lling/making an obvious joke at the expense of Liberty University is wrong, I don’t want anyone to be right. He picked the perfect target, and it brings me joy to imagine the frantic, rodent-like scrabbling that must have gone on at Liberty to rush out a horrified denial.


I may be mistaken (please correct me if I’m wrong), but I don’t think M or LG were down in their careers and therefore needed to issue especially (to some) controversial works fashioned to drum up attention for more bucks. If I’m correct on that, then the treatment of their subject matter was perhaps heartfelt by them for some time. Obviously, I can’t read their minds… so who REALLY knows.

Is Little Nas X “down” in his career? :thinking: Doesn’t seem like it to me. Just because he’s not ubiquitous as Madonna was, doesn’t really mean much, since so much of our culture is just subcultural today. He seems to have a solid fan base…

What gives you the impression that he’s not equally “heartfelt”?


And to me, also!

I blame myself for giving that impression. Just the opposite.

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Also “Burning Down the House” by Talking Heads leads tp arson. This was a thing.


There’s no such thing as ‘blasphemy’.
There’s only some butthurt cultist with no sense of humor. Or reality.


I don’t see the controversy, it seems completely natural.

After all, a cross is just an X tilted a bit.


Coincidentally last week I was curious about the name, as I saw someone’s name was Madonna. I had a grandmother named Adele, a name that fell into complete disuse until, for some reason (:wink: ) it suddenly got a bump in popularity around the late aughts. So I was curious if the name Madonna got a similar bump in the early 80s, and it was quite the opposite- it was already in decline, but in the 80s the decline went steeper before levelling off in the 90s. I was surprised but I think your post explains it.

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I’m confused. Knowing what we do about Lil Nas X are people thinking he’s an evangelical born again now? He is a brilliantly calculating t r o l l . He got on the country charts with Billy Ray Cyrus in tow. Then, he took the money and prod budgets lavished on him after his initial success and immediately went after the homophobic right with Montero. It was entertaining but also political.

my personal favorite

Also this new video seems to take a swipe at the neo nazi Yeezus who is recognizably cloned in the first couple of seconds.

Now as to Lil Nas X specifically targeting Liberty University, he may actually be taunting the university founded by [edit] Falwell angling at a Larry Flynt-inspired legal situation.

Also did no one notice the obvious?


Ok looks like twiXer is now warning about it. The effing letter is signed by Jerry Falwell. Falwell Sr. who, founded Liberty University, died in 2007 and there is no claim by anyone in the evangelical movement that Falwell has come back like whatsisname. Later, Jerry Falwell Jr. had to resign as the university’s president in 2020 because sex scandal.

Now Falwell Jr weighs in:

This kinda misses Lil Nas X’s point. It isn’t about the lies of the past three years (which I guess is Falwell Jr’s swipe against the university that canned him? I mean I think this is just Jr’s attempt to stay relevant…). Returning to X’s first statement above, he’s talking about what he’s heard said about homosexuality throughout his lifetime. Somehow I don’t think (m)any of the folks at Liberty U have done a lot of fixing and healing around this issue, before or since 2020.


I hope that in some remix they use the sample of the whistle from Eric Idle’s “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life”.

This makes the beat better, less bland, I think.

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There may be time yet.


Hey. Hey. You know what the Conservatives killed Jesus for?



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