Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/14/lindsey-graham-big-threats-to-conservatism-are-election-officials-helping-people-to-vote-and-social-media-disinformation-crackdown.html
This all boils down to there being three basic “threats to conservatism”: Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Take that, Superman.
He says it like it’s a bad thing.
I couldn’t agree with him more: democracy truly is the biggest threat to anti-democracy!
Christ on a cracker, what a fucking
He’s right. Democracy is fatal to conservatism. That’s why the GOP is working so hard to destroy american democracy right now.
Ah yes, Joe Biden’s good friend that he’s going to reach across the aisle to work with.
Interesting business model. Did Graham, perchance, used to work in or for one of those other industries that eats itself, like tobacco?
No, Mr Graham, those are the big threats to the Republican Party, which no longer represents conservatism any more than it represents the people. Conservatism is alive and well in the Democratic Party, which is neither left wing, liberal nor socialist from any perspective other than when reflected in the light of your ultra-right dystopian end game.
Where did this unregulated mail-in voting talking point come from? First I heard of it? There was no argument against it when President-defeated Trump used to do it.
And is he seriously arguing that social media companies just let anyone say whatever they want regardless of veracity? I’ve got this “true” story about his mother I should post then.
Condemned out of his own mouth.
The two crucial words left out of this post, “unregulated” and “unverified”. Of course, as people point out above, what is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander.
“If we could just limit voting to white males above the age of 65 conservatism would be safe.”
It’s no coincidence he represents a state full of people who enslaved other humans.
I guess I can give Lady G some credit for being honest about how democracy and reality are the greatest enemies of modern American conservativism, even though it’s been evident to progressives and liberals for decades now.
So instead of Superman Smashes the Klan it should be Superman Smashes the GOP?
I hate to cross publishers but; This Is A Job for Ant-Man!
In its most literal sense conservatism is “refusing to accept change”, and the Republican party has been losing demographically for some time. If not for disinformation campaigns and gerrymandering they would have been out of power a long time ago.
I’m no fan of Senator Graham, but he’s absolutely correct on this one. Conservatism is founded upon lies, gullibility, voter suppression, and minority rule.
Give the devil his due.
Why not cross publishers and have the newest hero from Amalgam Comics, Super-Ant, squash them?