Lindsey Graham: Big 'threats to conservatism" are election officials helping people to vote, and social media disinformation crackdown

I’m living in the digital world. Because that’s the way it changed. Not sure why though?

Okay, so “Conservatives” are actually “Retrogressives” and worse, but even if they were true to the term “conservative,” they would suck. “Hey, the world is cruel and hellish – let’s do our utmost to keep it that way!”


“America was Already Great!”


5 posts were split to a new topic: What’s the best way to point out Lindsey Graham’s hypocrisy?

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Is that rhetorical or are you alluding to something that he did? I thought he went from the Air Force straight directly to politics.

edit: don’t want to sound at all like I’m defending the bastard

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No shilling for BAT or Perdue Pharma?

And yet, Graham won his reelection campaign. If a twit like him can get reelected, I’m thinking ‘conservatism’ is pretty safe.


The term is ‘reactionary’ – regress to 1900 when non WASP-men lacked the franchise aka “the good old days”.


Forgot about Perdue.

I wish I could.


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