Listen to a group of panicked folks call the police on a gentle whale near their boat

I don’t know, are they?

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Well that was depressing.

How do people like this manage to function day to day? And they each have one more vote than I do.


And that was when Jonathan Lavasseur, the maker of this video, realized two things:

  • I must divorce my wife.
  • I must pursue my dream of becoming a marine biologist.


Is there any species that Trump can be hybridized with that would lessen his repugnance and not be a stain on the other species?

She would not have made the call if it were The Great White Whale.

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Is The Sun a valid answer? Because that’s all i have


Or, like Brundlefly, how do we un-hybridize him from a dumpster fire?

What more do you really need to know that isn’t already clearly on show, allowing small children to point at them in the street and laugh.

It’s a wonder to me that mammals that slow still have respiratory functions!

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Barbecue Becky, Permit Patty, and now Whaling Wendy. What’s the world coming to.


I mean, it mayyy make some sense since these folks sound like they were from Fargo, eh?

Lotta folks up that way aren’t familiar with da ocean. You betcha.

These are the same types of poeple who build their new house up in the foothills and want all the deer, coyotes and mountain lions killed because they’re in their yard. Humans… the stupidest species on the planet.


Hmmm… this seems to be true. Are my cats really whales? I have some investigatin’ to do!

I’m not exactly sure what you’re saying, but if it is what I think you’re saying, that makes me profoundly sad. True… but sad.

If you are that frightened of sea life. Why do you want to go out on the water?

Deer in the US. Particularly white tail deer on the East Coast. Are insanely over populated. And population densities where the problem is the worst often precludes things like re-introducing predators. They cause a lot of damage. Not just to yards but to the ecosystem generally. And round here there isn’t enough food for them come winter time. Deer starve to death, and drown attempting to swim open water to find greener pastuers.

We have opposite problem. The deer need to be culled, preferably by hunting. But “those people” move out here and want to prevent that because deer are cute. Same deal swans, they’re an invasive species in the US that cause a huge amount of damage to water ways. But try to do anything about it an you’re a monster. But just try to get anyone to protect eel grass or horseshoe crabs and noone gives a shit. That’s “destroying the character of the area” because it prevents people from having barbeques in the dunes.


I guess it wasn’t a white whale


Came here for this. :wink:

To be fair I once was so terrified by a whale surfacing that I cried hysterically and my dad unsuccessfully tried to calm me, too.


  • it was on an amusement park boat ride

  • it was a fiberglass whale

  • I was four or five

This was it!


The sea, eh? I don’ care fer it.

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Some of the noises coming from those people may have been mistaken for whale-song, prompting the whales to investigate further. “There’s a whale in trouble - we should help them!”