Listen to Lauren Boebert's ominous warning at the end of her anti-safety ad

They always sound like abusive spouses.

“Your honor, rescind this restraining order. It’s her fault I hit her anyway!”


Literally my first thought.


If walls keep people safe, why does she need so damn many guns?

Maybe only a “good” guy with a gun can stop a “bad” guy with an extension ladder?

Google shopping shows you can get a 30-40 foot ladder for a couple hundred bucks. People on both sides drive up with a truck to an isolated stretch of wall in the desert, spend a couple minutes setting up said ladder, move stuff or people over the wall, spend a couple minutes taking down the ladder, and leave before law enforcement can reach their location (assuming law enforcement knows they were there at all.) If worst comes to worst they leave the ladder as they escape and get a new one at a home improvement store.


You don’t even need people on both sides. All you need is a ladder and a rope to drop down the other side. (or a rope ladder).

Or, apparently, in the case of the wall trump “built”, a hacksaw or a good breeze.


Looks like Colorado Palin is trying to give Louie Gohmert a run for his money; there’s suddenly a lot of sludge at the bottom of his tank, what with all the openly Fascist/Racist/Death-Cultists jumping in there with him.
I’ve not seen the video (nor do I plan to) but how can gunshots not be construed as a direct threat? Aren’t there laws against that sort of thing?
And if so, why has Colorado Palin not been frog-marched out to a vehicle belonging to the Proper Authorities?

Yeah, yeah, I know… IOKIYAAF


No, thanks.


That she’s one of the people directly responsible for the “wall” being there in the first place isn’t really relevant to her purposes. She doesn’t actually give a damn about the fence, it’s just another attempt to create an outrage, the only thing Republicans care about anymore. We’re going to be seeing four years (at least) of non-stop attempts by the American right to try to create outrage over things that a) they don’t give a damn about and b) they’re at least partially responsible for themselves.

The wall’s not just easy to cut through, it’s also easily climbed - as the videos of Mexican guys racing each other to climb the wall (and then back again) for fun show.

Also, the wall is so patchy, you can just drive around it - which is what the Trump-supporting company that got the profitable no-bid contract to build the walls did when they wanted to bring in undocumented labor from Mexico to work on it…

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This is your reminder that all small business means is that they don’t employ many people.


And isn’t her small business a tavern in a small town? Bars sell alcohol, alcohol is a drug; therefore, she is a small town drug seller.


“Tear down this wall… So that we can attack again!”


I’m going with “With this one strong the asshole is.”


That works too.


If I were reading a transcript of the video as an email or letter, one way to transcribe/interpret that final gun cocking & shot could be: “. . . or I’ll shoot you.”
How is that NOT a direct threat to elected federal officials?
I guess because of other interpretations? Except I can’t imagine what else that was supposed to mean.
For God’s sake, haven’t we learned to take this shit seriously?!


I wonder if she’s seen Idiocracy.



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