Listening to Trump at half-speed "reveals how often his logic is indistinguishable from a drunk person"

Even if they went with square cross-section “aesthetic” slats with appropriately deep material underground, without a cross member they will be easily destroyed with a couple blowtorches and a truck. It probably wouldn’t be defeated just because it’s unnecessary when it’s easy enough to get around.


Welcome to reality.

The whole concept of a wall is as naive as other laws we pass to prevent bad things. If one thinks about it, it is mostly a surmountable problem.

Now the one real problem we have is the Narcos, organized criminals who peddle drugs, people, launder money, etc. But those people already have complex tunnels going under walls in existing high traffic areas. They also have handful of paid BP agents who can assist on where patrols aren’t (that ramp up in BP officers in the late Bush/early Obama era lead to a lot of people being BP who shouldn’t have been.) At worse this wall will be a mild inconvenience.

The wall will hinder random people just wanting to come to the US to work. It won’t stop all of them, but it will probably stop some of them. But those people, I don’t feel, are the real problem. They aren’t generally criminals. They generally are go getters looking for a better life.

But the whole REASON for the law is supposedly security and keeping out criminals. It won’t stop that, though. Making it pointless and a waste of money, IMO.


More importantly, listening to Trump at half speed means you are more attuned to how he loses his train of thought, and starts off on another tangent. The video was excellent in making him sound not so much like a drunk, but like a specific sort of grumpy asshat at the bar that has decided he really needs to prove that he’s not drunk by providing you with his insights.

In a way, it is too bad that the guy never touches alcohol: being a teetotaller has made him unable to unwind.


If you slow down a normal person’s speech it sounds like a normal person’s speech at half speed.

With Trump at normal speed, you hear a (surprise!) temperamentally irrational person. At half-speed, it’s that irrational person who just can’t get his thoughts out as fast as he’d like (apparently, due to his inebriation).


Rex Banner won’t put up with those sorts of drunken shenanigans.

I believe the GOP plan is to have Pence seem like a good option after Trump, and being past the two year mark Pence would be eligible for two full terms after. Can you imagine the damage after ten years of Pence?

“Damn you, XXII Amendment!”

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So, if I read this correctly:

Listening to Trump at half-speed reveals how often his logic is indistinguishable from a drunk person

Documentarian Arlen Parsa had a key realization: [slowing Trump down to half-speed]“reveals how often times his logic is indistinguishable from that of a drunk person.”

my favorite way to listen to the president is slowed down to 1/2 speed because it reveals how often times his logic is indistinguishable from that of a drunk person

Did I miss anything?

Oh yeah, some bar owner can corroborate that trump sounds like a drunk guy at half speed.

I still wish I knew what to expect from this post. Is it about my listening to the president slowed down?

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