"Live and Let Die" played for Trump during factory tour

Don’t for an instance think that the GOP cares about white people either. The millisecond white people no longer enable the GOP to stay in power they will throw them under the bus faster than you can say mayonnaise. White people are just a rhetorical construction that enables them to divide and conquer. Take a look at West Virginia, Appalachia, or rural America where the population is lily white and being fleeced faster than ever.


There are about 400 people in the US who matter.


Good point. Actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if he insisted that no one there be wearing them while he was visiting.


I really like this song. It was the motto of our Rebel Special Forces unit in West End’s Star Wars RPG. The Thermals. Probably have the old art around here somewhere…

Yeah, but anyway, weird in this context.

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I hope it was played in condemnation rather than support.

Also, watching this I’m once again reminded that Trump makes the stupidest faces.



“…acknowledging that the move would cause more illness and death from the pandemic but insisting it’s a cost he’s willing to pay to get the economy back on track.”

If “he’s willing to pay”, then he should go first.


Trump’s entourage knew better because they saw how Pence was universally ridiculed for being the one guy in that photo op who wasn’t wearing a mask. No way they were going to take the heat for letting the same thing happen to Trump.

Many employees and members of the press WERE wearing masks, but anyone who showed up to the event with their face covered was roundly attacked by the MAGA Covidiots.


I’m not sure how much selling they need to do. They’ve got so many sheeple already willing to do whatever they want, and plans to make a small, controllable minority of any groups that don’t fall into that category.

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Maybe so, but they are smart enough to make sure their enablers and supporters are the last to go. Part of the con is keeping those folks believing they are better off than others, and just one lottery win away from becoming a person in power with their boot on someone else’s neck.


Exactly this. And the con on those 400 is to get a much cash from them in exchange for allowing them to loot everyone and everything else.


The con is absolutely keeping those folks believing they are better off than others… but the GOP still doesn’t care one bit about the health or well-being of the wipipo. Even Governor Abbot said as much. If a bunch of white folks have to die to keep the cash rolling in, then so be it. Just make sure you keep the shouting at minority groups loud enough (asians in this instance) that they can’t hear the threshing machines lining up behind them. They don’t give a rip about the color of the dead as long as the political contributions keep increasing.


“Paul McCartney’s classic hit”

For accuracies sake It was Guns n Roses 90s cover not the original.

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I like to think of this as either a play to troll the president, or as a pro-opening protest, that of course Trump is fine with if he’s dwindling supporters are.

And those can be opposite possibilities because we’re in the upside down.




Trump is a man too stupid to play the dog-whistle, which is why he is beloved by those too stupid to hear the dog whistle.

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“Do you expect me to avoid infection?”
“No, Mr. Sixpack, I expect you to die.”


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