Living room "wallpapered" top to bottom in books

There was one Clive Cussler, at least!


I had the same thought, though i would personally have a really hard time destroying a book for an art/design project. Still to your point, the books are at least seeing a 2nd life at something.

As an aside, old musty book smell would be a terrible thing if this were to be attempted somewhere with reasonable humidity.

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I also know of a used bookstore that has two large bins out front of free books. People bring in books to sell and ones that get rejected often get dumped in the bins.

I’m thinking of McKay’s, but I wouldn’t be surprised if other used bookstores do the same thing.

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Was going to say that some books are designed to be nailed. You could build skyscrapers out of those by a hack named Hubbard. But who’d want to look at them? Oh, I know! Put the binders towards the wall.

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There’s a message here. While books have always been used as decorations to indicate one’s good taste or refined intellect, this display is a complete reversal of that kind of pretension, turning it into a useless monument to post-literacy. Whether or not this is clever irony or simply guileless biblio-fetishism is impossible to tell, but the placement of the flat screen television is revealing: it is the true center of gravity. This is in fact an anti-library, no fuel for the intellect, but perfectly made for an accidental bonfire.


Like others mentioned the destruction of the books bothered me but also the chaotic cluttery nature of the wall would drive me nuts. But to each their own.


Boingboing is becoming Reddit Digest.


Definitely a fire hazard. As opposed to books on shelves, which are somehow NOT a fire hazard.


Books on a shelf are usually packed in tight enough that there’s not much room for air circulation. Plus, you’re not compromising the fireproof features of the wall. Plus, your library is not usually in your living room, and thus you can keep it away from things that might ignite it.

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Fire hazzard? Probably. But should he ever get bed bugs, fire will be the only option (they can nest in books).


I thought you could get rid of bed bugs by raising the heat of the domicile to something uncomfortable and leaving it there for a while. That should work with bed bugs in books too — the “a while” would just be longer.

My thoughts: “That sure is ugly. But I guess he really likes his books.”

“Oh, they’re not his books, he just bought them all randomly… Still, I guess he really likes books.”

“He made every book unreadable.”


Edited to add: “You know, they DO sell wallpaper that looks like nice bookshelves…”


Heat will work, but with caveats.You have to get the entire domicile up to at least 130F and keep it there for 3 hours. You have to make sure the heat doesn’t escape. And, of course, you probably shouldn’t remain in the house for the duration. This will probably require a professional to effect so the home rememdy would still be fire :slight_smile:

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Not digging the vibe at all. If I’m going to have books in a room, they’re going to be titles I like. If they’re titles I like, I’m not going to nail them to the wall. So this is a room lined with random books where people sit and watch TV?


As a general rule i’m not usually that bothered by clutter, but damn that room triggers me for some reason o.O


Silver. Fish.

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I was hoping that someone would point out the irony of that.

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For what it’s worth, the guy who did this was pilloried on the /r/diy subreddit.

From that thread:

This comment was me unnecessarily being a dick, I decided against it.

Can we have that instead of “This comment was withdrawn and will be deleted in 24 hours unless flagged?”


Here you go…