Much more subtle interpretation than mine. Thank you.
For 40 years I avoided linking my companies to any political party; now long retired if I were still actively engaged in commerce today I’d back anything that was anti-right-wing.
Some packaging stuff at US Plastics; also check out your local paper distributor. Also McMaster-Carr.
thanks, i’ll check them out. it would be nice to get off the Uline mailing list, too – their catalogs are MASSIVE.
I passed a Chik-Fil-A the other day and it made me wonder if any consumer companies exist that use socialism as a starting point – not just in marketing as a ploy to whitewash a bad image – but that really exist in the service of the people.
It is not clear where the Uihleins might have been infected.
There is a reason that I consistently call it the Trump Plague. Mere association, even at long distances, is able to kill.
Regardless of these people’s political views, it would be wrong to wish them harm, or hope for a bad outcome of their cases of covid. That’s what I’m doing, though.
I’m past not caring, into “I hope one of these privileged pricks has a serious, even fatal, case even with the best of care pour encourager les autres.”
I wouldn’t normally be in this same territory, but these assholes have done evil shit this year.
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