Local racist angry at protestors in Orange, Texas

That is a strange way to put it, don’t you think? I’m curious if you chose those points of comparison with specific purposes in mind (specifically bin Laden), or it was more of a random off-the-cuff kind of thing.

GOP Jesus loves him.


I’m saying that due to centuries of euro-centric propaganda most Evangelical Christians have a mental image of their lord and savior who looks very different than the historical Jesus probably looked and if they actually met Jesus face-to-face they’d probably mentally classify him as “potential terrorist.”


Yeah, I’m gonna have to say a big “huh-uh” to it being literally true that a son of Noah begat all the Semitic peoples. If there was a single common male ancestor for all those people within the last ~6000 years, I’m pretty sure that would show in the genetics (IANAG). To say nothing of it being an impossibility that literally all of humanity is descended from Noah.

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OK, that’s what I thought you were going for. And I agree.

One might read into it that you were actively comparing Jesus to a terrorist, and that might be seen as a little offensive by people who would disagree with that comparison.

I tend to read ancient religious texts from a looser, more interpretive perspective. I too doubt that a literal Noah figure begat who the Old Testament says, and all those other specifics.

But I am also open to the possibility – open to it – that the reason why most ancient cultures and religions and belief systems talk about humanity’s genesis from essentially “aliens” or something quite odd, is because it might actually be rooted in some form of truth. And from that perspective, again one I am open to (although admittedly I give it greater than even odds) maybe “Noah” and these other folks are symbolic of prototypical, well, experiments in the manipulation of primates into the form we now exist as.

I really try to believe and disbelieve everything simultaneously, for what it’s worth. Nondualism, it be nutty yo!

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Confusion might stem from the Aramaic language Jesus and many others spoke at that time.

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Yeesh. It cracks me up (read: makes me bang my head on the table) the insane hypocrisy. When I was engaged in environmental protests there were strident calls from my fellow Americans telling me, “America, love it or leave it!!!” Same thing this guy is essentially saying. Yet look at the entire 2016 candidacy of #45: pointing out how poorly America is doing, how it needs to be fixed, etc., etc. Ugh. Do they not see it?


A tip: When you lose your civil war you take your fucking flag down. You are defending monuments to treason.


Mm hmm, that’s nice, bye bye now.

the second picture for accuracy needs to be scrambled and burnt.

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I’m sure the Hobby Lobby Museum has some original color photographs of Jesus–
–and Noah.


The point of all those “aliens” in Biblical texts is to remind the Jewish people that their ancestors were immigrants and migrants and to treat the “stranger” with hospitality.


White folks have made lots of notable contributions to culture. Why do so many of us glom on to… this? Could it be the racists just aren’t educated on the good their ancestors did for society, so they choose to celebrate oppression?

“Descended” implies moving downward, which implies that we’re all a lower form of life.

what? a dork who doesn’t understand what makes America great?

who knew they even existed! Are we sure he’s not an actor? Nobody could be this naive in real life, lol!

EDIT: Seriously, he sounds exactly like the entitled law breaking authoritarian Russians that Stop a Douchebag finds trying to drive down sidewalks. When confronted, the lawbreaking authoritarians always ask if the SDB:

  • have a permit (don’t need one)
  • are “real Russians”
  • are from around there
  • have jobs
  • have anything better to do
  • know that their actions are illegal (they aren’t)

It’s never the authoritarian’s fault that they’ve been caught, it always comes back to patriotism, and the desire that the police arrest these people who interfere in the bad behavior of the authoritarian.

Fuck this guy.


Angry man is angry. That much was clear. But how is he the local racist other than for the OP to assume he is?

Context clues. Nobody gets that furious at people protesting a Confederate monument unless they themselves sympathize with the cause of the Confederacy. A cause which, despite what some apologists may tell you, was based on the fight to preserve slavery.


He didn’t say ‘confederate’ and he may also be unaware or ignorant of the racist implications of confederate monuments so it’s still a slippery slope and very bad journalism to accuse him of racism based on just context clues. (Yeah, yeah, I know, BB isn’t a news agency.) Maybe he is racist, but that word only belongs in the title of this article if he does something racist in the video.

The only things clear from this video are:

  1. He doesn’t like Democrats for ‘ruining’ his country.
  2. He is ill-informed about the right to protest.
  3. He’s got a bad temper.
  4. His friend drives a big ass pick-up truck.
  5. Jesus loves him no matter what.