Logan Paul goes to Japan and treats everyone there like shit

Man, it could be stuck there for a while.


Consider the bot accounts; I actively choose to believe that many of that alleged number are not living, breathing humans.


Newgrounds, Gamefaqs, and 4chan also eventually had to implement various inane demands because of advertisers (Gamefaqs to the most severe degree because they were perceived as marketing to children on the site)

I think if advertisers make it clear they won’t put their ads on these sites, they’ll bend. Facebook and Google are both advertisers, after all.


I guess it’s not Logan’s fault that he’s afflicted with a narcissistic personality disorder. But that being said, I think he should be deplatformed to prevent him from continuing to exploit young minds for profit by luring them with inappropriate adult/violent/offensive content.

There’s something sociopathic about a 22 year old gym rat producing highly sexualized content and asshole prank videos for 12 year olds, then telling his audience that only the cool kids buy his “merch”.


Promoting Logan Paul to kids is akin to promoting smoking to kids, except the resulting cancer is psychological instead of physical. It’s crazy seeing 12 year olds get torn to shreds by the net whenever they try to provide cover for the actions of their asshole god. Under everyone’s noses this guy built a child cult around him. These kids are so brainwashed.


I think he’s an idiot.
But how is he any different than Micheal Moore (who I really like)
on his TV nation stuff.
Or Jeremy Clarkson, who’s a wanker, doing the same thing. But more staged. In Alabama

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I’ve been thinking about this lately. Just how long until the “it’s an algorithm!” bubble pops and the creepy web friends start facing some real consequences for how their rankings work. I’m no lawyer, but “I swear judge, I can’t be held responsible for my bullet which fell from the sky and embedded itself in the old lady’s head, it was out of my control the second it left the barrel of my gun” doesn’t seem like it’s a solid legal defense, any judge has as much precedent as they want to draw on.

@anon62577920 Yeah, that’s actually a problem that Youtubers run into a lot “Sorry guys, I’m going to America to visit family next week so I can’t record any videos then”


Jesus how are they allowing this??? To think there’s a whole generation of kids inspired by this crap yet to come. Yes i get the financial angle but this idiot reminds me how far we’ve got to go…


Exactly. I did not click on the video for that reason: I do not want that person to get more views and monetize them. I also know that if I click on that link, it will be saved in the history google saves about me and I will be presented with even more videos of the kind.

I would appreciate if boingboing would stop linking to these videos or at least give a warning of the consequences: if you click on the link, you are effectively voting for that asshole with your wallet.


I’m with you. I’d not heard of this Logan chap before now. I’ll stick to videos about playing table top games, making model terrain and film criticism.


Neither of the videos in BoingBoing’s post was produced by Logan Paul. The first video is a third-party compilation of clips of him being an asshole in Japan. The second video is interviews with Japanese people reacting to clips of him being an asshole in Japan.


30 years ago they would have recorded their prank phone calls and played them for their friends. No filter, but very limited distribution.

15 years ago they would have gotten their own MTV reality show where they could act like dicks; big distribution, but there would have been a filter at least.

Today, they make their own YouTube videos so they can go total d-bag and no one stops them. No filter, huge distribution range.

The march of progress?


That’s the internet working as intended for better or worse. It’s the great equalizer, every one has the potential to reach anyone and there are fewer gatekeepers and the barrier of entry is lower. On the plus side we get things that would normally never see the light of day like channels like Brain Scoop where the host has recently streamed a dissection of a beaver (though she normally discusses science and museum collections). On the downside we get pandering morons like Logan Paul.

I don’t know Jeremy Clarkson, but while there are things to dislike about Michael Moore, he is certainly no idiot.

This guy, as you said yourself is clearly an absolute fucking idiot and what he does is an insult to the intelligence of everyone who interacts with him and watches him (although for anyone to watch him and enjoy it, they would have to be fucking idiots as well).

There is nothing remotely smart, thoughtful, or in any other way redeeming about this shit. There is no message, no insight, nothing. The world would be a strictly better place if he just didn’t exist.

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Then it would have been helpful if boingboing had made clear that, by clicking on the video, one would not support Logan Paul monetisation attempts but copyright infringement by an unspecified third party.

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Jesus. Some people’s children.


Asian Boss is an excellent channel.

I love that episode. One of my top 5 TGs for sure.

According to one of the writers (the one that came up with the slogans idea), that gas station altercation wasn’t staged.

YouTube finally addresses the controversy here!

And by address, I mean does basically nothing other than promise to Take Things Seriously.

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They completely don’t answer any of the important questions. Why did they do nothing and the video was only taken down by the channel itself? Why did they take so long in taking down reuploads but were quick to take down critiques of the video? When Pewdiepie was embroiled in a scandal Google immediately cut ties with him, canceled his Youtube Red show and put a strike against his channel, so why is Logan Paul still a YT Red partner and has his channel had a strike put on it?

I could likely think of more questions.

Edit: Why did moderators at YT manually review the video after it was initially flagged and then ok’d it to stay up?