Longer video of Native Americans, MAGA cap high-schoolers, and Black Hebrew Israelites encounter tells a different story


Since ‘offensive’ is hardly an objective term, let me rephrase: The young gentleman,[1] while wearing a MAGA hat, uttered words and made gestures at which people in his presence took offense. You are, of course, free not to be offended by them.

[1] Wow, I’ve gentleman’ed someone. I don’t think I did that before.

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Again. I saw that kid standing and smirking. But I don’t recall him saying a word or gesturing at anyone.

Other kids certainly did. But I didn’t see him do it.

So. By all means point that part out to me. A time stamp. Screen grab. Something.

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I’m sick of people making it only about that one g-damn kid!

People weren’t offended solely because the one kid stood there. It was the crowd of mocking jeering asses.

You show me a video were those kids treated a Native American with respect. Show me that video.


I don’t need to. Because I have stated on more than one occasion that THEY ALL acted poorly and disrespectful and are a bunch of assholes for the collective behavior.

But when one person does single out one kid and starts saying “they did x y z”. Well. Show me that. Don’t make shit up. Don’t project it on them.

I did not at any time accuse one single person of anything.

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This whole nonsense is because the white kids were supposedly singling out Nathan Phillips because black people made fun of them earlier.

I don’t see the value in going around in circles with “The one kid said nothing, despite the others chanting” and “The one who chanted didn’t stand in his way despite the one who did.” That’s endless goalpost-shifting. It doesn’t speak to the issue, it’s just hair-splitting.

They, as a group and individually, acted with gross disrespect. Anyone who saw those videos should have seen that. That’s also mostly on their school and the supposedly responsible adults who took them there and taught them.

Lawyering whether a particular one of them had a smirk or something is a waste of time when there were five smirks in the row behind him.

And none of it produces a video where a Native American was treated with any respect by that crowd of asses.


Ok. But I wasn’t asking that question of you. I asked it of the poster who made the comment.

No one asked you to join the conversation and you can ignore us at your discretion.

It doesn’t change my stance or perspective on what I feel was right wrong or otherwise. But someone stating “person A did act B” and I don’t see that, makes me wonder where that is. And I have every right to ask that. You can voluntarily remove yourself from this conversation/thread. But you do not get to tell me I can’t ask or discuss it.

That’s a little rude, don’t you think? I don’t think you own a thread any more than anyone else here.

If you contribute something, others can comment, too.

I certainly never did this. I encourage you to continue.

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My point is I didn’t ask you the question. So you jumping in with “HOW DARE YOU ASK THAT” IS RUDE.

So don’t be shocked when you get some snark back when you started that shit.

I have not told you you cannot post or saying something. I am saying if you do not like this train of discussion than you can remove yourself from it. You have the choice.

@tuhu, @anon61833566

But seriously, you’re both essentially making the same points and seem to be on the same side.

This unbelievable, atrocious fuckery was about more than just that one smirking asshole of a kid, though that smug look on his face does pretty much sum up 400+ years of White Supremacy in the US and all the shitty fallout from thereof ever since.

This is about the issue of racism in America and how many people who have benefited the most from it (directly or indirectly) are unwilling to acknowledge the reality that is inhabited by everyone who isn’t White, male, straight, cisgender, able bodied and “Xtian.”

Neither of your points are wrong, and your anger about this nonsense is righteous. But directing it at one another is a complete waste of time and energy, when there are still real adversaries out there to worry about.

I’m not trying to be anyone’s mama here by telling anyone what to do, and I’m not trying to imitate Nathan Phillips, either;

I’m just sayin’.



I’m not sure why everyone is saying the boy’s family hired the PR firm when it’s abundantly clear the school did. They’ve been cleaning up any controversial social media or YT video or anything else that contradicts the PR firm’s carefully crafted false narrative.


I really can’t say, but man…those interview responses were rehearsed as fuck. He was more wooden than Tommy Wisaeu.


he did not so much utter offensive words or any words. He kept his hands at his sides to avoid anything that could be interpreted as threatening. He did smile uncomfortably when Elder Phillips was beating the drum two inches from his face. All of these things would be seen as an exercise in restraint, except that he did them with a MAGA hat on. So he exercised polite restraint in sinister and racist manner.

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image https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AnotherHastyAmericanindianhorse-size_restricted.gif


No matter how good the eyesight of some folks, they still just can’t see.


Rebecca Nagel (Cherokee Nation): “In all of Indian Country, we don’t have as much access to media and power as this one extremely privileged, White kid. And now, he gets to say what happened. Like so many White men who came before him, he gets to rewrite history.”


It might be a neurological condition. When confronted with evidence of a white person being racist, their brains automatically draw a blancke.