Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/21/look-at-all-the-places-this-ca.html
One of my kitties has discovered going up the chimney, as in The Tale of Samuel Whiskers, but without encountering any rats, that I know of.
My cat recently developed the habit of running up and climbing onto the dishwasher door every time it’s opened. He is not a small enough cat for this to be a good idea.
this is halfway to a children’s book
or website that I’d look at all day
One evening a few years back, after dinner, and a noticeable absence of one of our cats for several hours, I heard a faint meowing. I tracked it to the downstairs bathroom where a contractor earlier in the day had installed a medicine cabinet…
Our (un-papered) Maine Coon would also lay in puddles and come in the shower.
My Howard looks just like that, and he loves the pots n pans also. But there’s no dishwasher, so he has to climb on top of the pile of dishes in the sink to mess with the plants in the kitchen window.
Perhaps he is the new King of the Cats?
Oh yeah, this dude doesn’t love a full-blown shower, but he wants it left on a trickle, so he can come in and lick at the floor-water.
What’s that sink-like contraption in the basement?
So much fecal bacteria on food prep surfaces eww. We’re lucky our little kitty isn’t much of a jumper and closed cabinet doors discourage her. I am not ok with cats on the kitchen counters.
A sink…well, two sinks.
Interesting. As soon as I open a kitchen cupboard my cat wants to explore but he has precisely zero interest in the dishwasher. He doesn’t even sniff at it, just walks around the open door.
Yes, but what are those yellow knobs for?
Those red, orange, and beige ones are really something else.
Our Orange Julius obviously had a TARDIS, and would suddenly appear in impossible places. We’d see him sound asleep upstairs, but seconds later he’d be underfoot in the kitchen.
Zoom in sez they’re towel grabbers.
My neighbor’s cat (a great little guy BTW, friendly to a fault) used to sneak into the laundry room at our apartment building, and god forbid if you left the dryer door open.
Not cool for tenants with allergies.
Mine jumped in the oven when I opened it, while it was 350F. I grabbed my little boy and ran his paws under the faucet instead of taking a picture. He was fine, just annoyed that I made such a fuss.