Conservatives Fuel Protests Against Coronavirus Lockdowns (Published 2020)
In addition to the “You Can’t Close America” rally in Austin, Texas, on Saturday, modest demonstrations took place in the capitals of Nevada, Indiana and Maryland.
Dang! I missed that trick - with my VTR and the RC51 both.
One of the best post-apocalyptic trilogies out there by one of the best authors out there.
Also try her ‘Parasitology” trilogy: I think it’s seriously good storytelling.
Pizza delivery?
Perhaps Steven Seagal would be with them if he hadn’t discovered martial arts and the Wisdom of the East.
I just ordered it.
This is not the America I was born in and love. These people just leave me dumbfounded. I literally have tears of disbelief… so sad.
This is the because the auto shops are servicing first responders’ vehicles.
I’m sure that Trump, who loves a good campaign rally, will join these people at any moment.
From an MRAP surrounded by tanks or perhaps a helicopter.
Well the national guard mortars so it’ll sort itself out eventually
More on the way:
Meh… Showing up for things isn’t his style at all.
I could link to numerous examples but I’m sure you get the picture.
In Dublin (Ireland) bicycle repair shops are considered an essential service so key workers can get to and from work.
Holy heck. Tee-shirt incoming…
More on the way:
In addition to the “You Can’t Close America” rally in Austin, Texas, on Saturday, modest demonstrations took place in the capitals of Nevada, Indiana and Maryland.
Stay classy, Texas! You got a ways to go before you “outstupid” Florida!
It’s also possible that ‘gun stuff’ has drifted a bit in the interim. “Do I look sufficiently unlike a deer in this?” is a routine consideration for the classic rural-area-with-routine-hunting situation; “Is this tacticool enough to defeat a 7.62 to the torso?” is a rather different slice of use case.
My, admittedly anecdotal, impression is that there has been something of a sharp swerve in that direction over time.
Ann Richards was not a dream.
Was she ?