Louisiana reclassifies abortion pills as dangerous drugs

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/25/louisiana-reclassifies-abortion-pills-as-dangerous-drugs.html


Side effects of Mifepristone may include: Patriarchal dick-shriveling.


Yet this is confusing (surprise!) as the scheduling of drugs was always (i thought) at the federal level, specifically DEA’s remit; for instance. Whhy… just recently, marijuana rescheduling was undertaken at the federal level, (which likely will have positive knock-on effects in states (like mine) to permit pot-shops to use the actual banking system rather than hold ridiculous amounts of cash making them endless targets for robberies etc). Probably this is all in the legal swamps of states rights gobbledygook via “schedules” vs “dangerous” designations? -sigh- So can my state reclassify current republicanism as a ‘dangerous’ meme?


Pretty sure states have always had the option to make something more restricted than federally - well they could make something less restricted but that opens the door to federal enforcement and jurisdiction within the state - which most states try to avoid.

I think it can get down to the town/county level - which is why there are dry towns/counties even though prohibition is no longer a thing.

They can’t stop the mail to inspect it though - however with the current supreme court who knows - we seem to be on a cruise to a dictatorship, civil war, or the ‘united’ states no longer being united and an odd European situation happening - and they don’t have to be exclusive!


Perhaps the most depressing aspect of all this is that it’s almost certain that Louisiana has just set a dangerous new trend. As Pentlicky notes: “Every time a state succeeds in passing any type of abortion restriction, we see other states follow suit – it just becomes more and more egregious.”


Same legislature and governor that allows carrying concealed handguns with no permit. Which they somehow don’t see as dangerous.


Even better - you used to have to take classes, pass a shooting proficiency test, and demonstrate safe handling before you could get a concealed handgun permit. Now all you have to be is 18 years old and be able to stick it down your pants like you see on tv.


The various disingenuous statements by Republicans in that state, arguing that the new law doesn’t change anything (why have it?) and is good for women (somehow) are totally enraging. It’s so transparently bullshit - the drugs in question aren’t “habit forming” like opiates and it’s completely unreasonable to pretend they are. And it’s going to change a lot - people taking those drugs will find it much more difficult to do so, doctors will have more issues prescribing them, and pharmacists will have more issues carrying them (which might motivate them to stop entirely). It’s total fucking bullshit, from the law to how Republicans are talking about it.


Someone should propose the same law for Viagra, and see what happens.


It’s been considered.


And tourists are reclassifying Louisiana.


You dumb bastard!
You are banning a method of preventing those abortions you claim to hate!
Thus proving it’s not about abortion at all!

Why aren’t all these forced-birther politicians hauled in & prosecuted for practicing Medicine without a license?


From the linked Axios article:

The medications have uses beyond abortion, like helping prevent ulcers and treating constipation and postpartum hemorrhages.

So they’re just making it plain as day: We’re banning medications that could help prevent you from bleeding to death after giving birth, but we stop giving a shit about you literally 0.05 seconds after the baby comes out.

ETA: Of course, we already know they stop giving a shit about the baby as soon as it leaves the hospital, so…yeah. We live in hell.


Section 2 of the 21st Amendment specifically give states the power to enact any laws regarding intoxicating liquors. Some states do have laws that enforce dry counties. Pennsylvania has the Liquor Control Board.

Section 2

The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.

Hospital? They stop caring sooner than that.


Gun laws… Exactly.
“Guns don’t kill people, prosecute the people not the gun”. Ok, but… “Abortion pills kill people, let’s outlaw the pill”.

It’s constant hypocrisy when serving church and the state.



Yes, absolutely. But also, in this case I don’t think any of us here would be happy with a “prosecute the person” solution, for obvious reasons. Except that husband that dosed his wife without her knowledge or consent, definitely prosecute him.

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