Mad Max mocks machismo

Somebody came in here spoiling for a fight, got a fight, and now… waaaah! Mean womens is mean?!?

All the real* men have been scared off!

  • whatever that is.

Oh for fuck’s sake.


Dude, seriously. Have you tried thinking about this from Marilove’s POV? From a feminist POV? Having to have this same fucking conversation over and over and over and over. Every. Damn. Time.

So a self-identified dude pops up with a shit argument cobbled together from MRA talking points. Copy pasta of the worst kind. They will most likely get crucified - by a feminist or otherwise - someone will call them on their bullshit. They then get to play their martyr card and cry about how the feminazis just want to chop off their manhood or whatever.

And we, as feminists, should respect that person? Show deference to that person? That we should be the ones to meet them half-way?

Fuck that noise.


There is only one real man.




People find roller coasters and the Saw movies fun. Have you never seen a horror movie? But, really, what I meant to say is it was BAD ASS.

I don’t fully agree with her, but she had some thoughtful and very valid points that have stopped and made me think, which is always appreciated. She’s not the Feminist Overlord, you know. We feminists do have the ability to think independently from one another. I consider it a pretty feminist film. I never said it was perfect.


In hindsight, maybe I should've gone with my first instinct and said "it's good if there's a positive message in the film, but please take a step back, talk about the film and try not to drag it into the usual shit-flinging competition that seems to be the going norm."

Or you could just stop telling others how they should feel and act and respond to a (pop) cultural event. Your patronizing and condescending finger-wagging isn’t all that different from the “usual shit-flinging competition” that you’re railing against. I mean, you’re here… taking part in the discussion, after all. If it’s so awful and you hate it so much, why are you here, taking part, while getting angry at others taking part in the same conversation you’re taking part in?


Well, here in America the only Australians we seem to know are that anti-semetic nutjob who was in the original films, dude from Romper Stompers aka Gladiator aka Javert, or the ex-Mrs. Tom Cruise… They should have cast Nick Cave in the movie though (not that I’ve seen it yet, but he makes most things better).


Nick Cave as Mad Max WOULD BE AMAZING!!!

Kick starter. Stat!


Horror movies, unless they have bruce Campbell or sigourney weaver aren’t really my cup of tea.

(I met bruce once. He is as charming as people imagine him to be)


From the CNN article you linked to:

Clarey writes that he is concerned "men in America and around the world are going to be duped by explosions, fire tornadoes, and desert raiders into seeing what is guaranteed to be nothing more than feminist propaganda, while at the same time being insulted AND tricked into viewing a piece of American culture ruined and rewritten right in front of their very eyes."

And the original triology were Australian films, not American?!? WTF?


I hate you.



I love you too :blush:


That strikes me as astute, as does fuzzy’s comment. I wonder if cultural conservatism isn’t a trend we should ignore and destroy in a way that doesn’t waste our time. But then we have things like the Supergirl pilot that was “leaked.” I liked 60 Minutes but do people still watch CBS?



Whatabout dis guy?

And dis guy?



A lot of atheist and secular humanist activists I know specifically say that feminism is a logical consequence of humanism, they both have the same types of ideals, it’s just that feminism in general focuses on equality, fairness and human decency for women, while humanism doesn’t necessarily require a focus in general. Both are worth while, but not mutually exclusive in any way.

I’m not trying to mansplain here (at least I desperately hope I’m not mansplaining, because that’s not what I’m trying to do), just trying to point out that it can be both, possibly.


I know it’s too late now, but I hope it helps somehow that I explain what I was trying to accomplish.
I saw that the topic was Mad Max, which has been one of my favorite film-series. I noted that there was the word “mocked” in the title and guessed that this would probably color the discussion in angry tones as it tends to do. So, I quite inexpertedly made my original post in a way to try and alleviate it in a “it’s possible you got your toes stepped on, but I’m sure it was by accident” -way.
I know it somewhat devalued the creator of the original article, making it seem like they were just seeing what they wanted to see, but that was a part of the “by accident”-thing. With luck it would’ve also reminded people that their view wouldn’t be an absolute truth, and with that hopefully helping the discussion be more civil. In a “Well… that’s like just your opinion.” -way.
Admittedly, the whole thing doesn’t give much credit to the intelligence of your average poster, but this is the internet, so lowered expectations is the norm. So, I put on a character and hoped for the best. Unfortunately it resulted in the complete opposite, for which I apologize.

For what it’s worth, now I haven’t gotten to talk about how I’ve found the previous films to be somewhere between Indiana Jones and Life of Brian.

Also, since I’m afraid my english skills are somewhat lacking, what does “finger-wagging” mean?


They got better as I scrolled down. :wink:

And, the one actor I wish had had some kind of cameo in Fury Road was this fella:


Yeah, but he’s a Kiwi.

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