Mad Max spinoff film Furiosa officially revealed

I saw Fury Road on my own and thought, “My children [8 and 10] have to see this movie.”
Their mother asked, “It is R-rated, yes?”
I said “It is… but the beheadings and such… it’s nothing they haven’t already seen in LotR movies.”
They loved it, of course. And it made for a great Hallowe’en.

I’m not watching the trailer (I’ll wait for the movie) but I have every faith in Taylor-Joy.


My brother as Furiosa.

That reminds me, he never returned my 9/16" box wrench.


Ah, his Furioso has a black arm. Mine’s ChromaKey green.


at least it made that possible; every guy who saw it (and loved it) wants to be her :grin:


so that’s who peaches was talking about…

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I wonder if anyone related to writing the new series has borrowed from the lore of the latest Mad Max video game. The chariot setup looks very much like a design the warlord Dr. Dementus and his troops would have used.

me, personally, I wanna be her:

daughter of earth, protector of life and seeds


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