Man asks Charlie Kirk when he can start killing people who don't think Trump won

I’m starting to wonder if these people are just baiting people like Kirk. In other words the question asker is just pretending to see if he can get the guy on the podium to say the quiet parts out loud.

The first time my now son in law met me we were at a neighborhood gathering and I was screwing with my racist neighbors just to see how far they would go. My duaghter told me he first thought I was a bad man and then when he realized what I was doing it was fun to watch everyone show their true colors.

I know people are nuts and that guy could very well believe what he’s asking but I like to think some of these people are just all “hold my beer, watch this” at least that’s what I would do if I ever got the mic and everyone that knows me would know exactly what I was doing.


They haven’t disclosed their donors for 2020 yet.


Except that this exchange fits into the fallout and lessons-learned from Jan 6th. All the chucklefucks who were ready to go for it in that rally explicitly stated that they thought that Trump & co. were going to be backing them. They thought that some kind of actual final battle was commencing and the four armies would converge or some shit. All the suspect interviews afterward show how surprised they were that there was nothing behind their “tip of the spear” invasion.

I don’t think we can conclude that it’s cowardice that has held them back since then. If they’d seen some backup coming on the 6th, or some kind of escalation I think they would’ve taken it a lot further, but no one showed up, the bombs didn’t go off, Trump didn’t ride in on a jingo-raptor and the whole thing fizzled. If anything, I think they’ve all just learned to keep their powder dry until the leadership is READY ready, and may not even be sure which leaders are their actual generals and which are just whipping them up for the gofundme windfalls.


prior to clicking through, i though Charlie Kirk was the character from It is always sunny in philadelphia only the be reminded that no, Charlie is the big headed meme man from reddit.

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Tv Show Dark Comedy GIF by #Impastor


No. They are showing you who they are. Believe them.


Silly it’s only fascism if it’s from the 1930s region of Germany… other wise it’s just sparkling authoritarianism! /s



“They are trying to provoke you, and everyone here, they are trying to make you do something that will be violent…”

I think Charlie meant to say “I” not “they”.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

Kurt Vonnegut, [Mother Night]




I’m not going down the road of defending what amuses me. I’m saying I may not be the only one who likes to screw with people.

And if I ever got a hold of a live mic anywhere near one of these “activists” I would definitely screw with them or bait them or ask questions to get them to say stuff out loud for as many people to see as possible.

Sometimes I think these people should get zero coverage in any respectable news outlet and other times I think the light should be shined on their wackadoodle views so everyone can see that maybe these [people] are not who they want running the country. Or maybe the people following them will eventually see that they have fallen for the grift and are being used for their money.

I know none of that is happening any time soon but a guy can hope.

We’re literally in the midst of an ongoing coup. Stop treating it like a fucking game.


Look man - 5 or 6 years ago I’d agree with you that a lot of this was hyperbole and absurdity.

The problem is, too many people are deadly serious about this. It is abundantly clear now.

How earnest this person is or is not is not really the point. The point is he got a round of cheers and hoots and this line of thinking has a small but dedicated following.

Dismissing them as absurd or bad faith actors pushing buttons just to rile people up ignores the fact that - people are riled up.

This is also why disingenuous grifters who don’t believe the BS the peddle are just as dangerous as true believers. They are perpetuating the lies and riling people up.


Super Troopers Yes GIF by Searchlight Pictures

Anyone who doesn’t see that by now is either willfully ignorant or lying to themselves.


Not the final word, but here’s some ideas on how to be actively anti-fascist and anti-racist…aside from only voting your conscience.


Ah. There’s a hotbed of itellectualism & liberal thought…

Problem is, this kid [and others of his ilk] don’t see their enemies as ‘fellow Americans’, but as rabid animals to be exterminated.
Those enemies, of course, are the non-MAGAts they are surrounded by.

No, he doesn’t.
This just isn’t the proper time to do it, that’s all, what with the gun-grabbers in the WH…
Just wait 'til You Know Who regains his throne; then it will be time to Get Even.

I would.
Too damn many of 'em are Fellow Travelers to the Fascists. They have similar mind-sets.


Corporate fascism, Comrade? Are you sure you are on the side you think you are on?

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He wants to be on the side that gets to kill democrats, so yeah, he’s pretty sure of what side he’s on.


The trouble with the “I was just messing with them to make them out themselves: they might have been serious but I was joking!” argument is that it’s also used as a plausible deniability defence by people who very definitely were not joking.

And Poe’s law says that you can’t necessarily tell the difference between someone who’s trolling and someone who’s deadly serious. Let’s leave the practical demonstration of that to Flat Earthers, rather than genocides, yeah?