Man exercising right to open carry robbed at gun point

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You know, if BoingBoing actually said those things in the article, then they might actually have a pretty decent article worth reading.

Instead they decided to play this cagey publicizing of this article and said nothing. To me, it’s a well-disguised attempt at soliciting schadenfreude. If you’re going to make a point about guns, then make the damn point and let us have a conversation about it, rather than playing victim-blaming bullshit games.

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Ironically, perhaps - most of the time I had to disarm somebody who was waving a gun in my face, they were police. Many of them don’t seem to mind trying to use weapons on an unarmed person.

No, you’re appealing to one of the worst attempts at fallacy reasoning, “how dare someone talk about one subject and not the subject I want them to talk about.” You’re mired in your attempt to condemn BB for bringing the subject up at all, and that’s all that’s happening here.


How dare BoingBoing not talk about real issues, and instead play the dog-whistle victim blaming game! Indeed.

  1. Fun issues are as important to BB as “real” issues.

  2. You don’t define what real issues are.

  3. Again, you’re the only one claiming this is a blame game. Let it go. You’re thrusting your issues onto this. They don’t exist naturally.


I’m pretty sure you forgot to mention something about his privilege as well…

When done as an obvious group protest ala @k24k’s example or when one is accompanied by a bunch of white open carry advocates and trailed by cameras ala @TrollsOpinion’s example not much will happen.
However, when a lone person carries a BB gun around a Walmart or a decorative sword on the street as a melanin-enriched-American, the outcome is not so good…


Where is the victim blaming?:

"William Coleman III of Gresham, Oregon, was robbed of his Walther-brand P22 handgun. The gun was stolen by a young man who walked up to Coleman, pulled out his own gun, and said, 'I like your gun. Give it to me.'"
There are two sentences -- which one has the blaming?

Why else is BoingBoing publicizing an article about a man who was robbed at gunpoint? If it’s to start a discussion about guns, safety, and crime, why isn’t there discussion of guns, safety, and crime in the article?

An armed society is an armed society.


I saw a black guy doing it a few days ago! Atlanta. mid-afternoon, weekday, Edgewood Ave (more-or-less downtown.) He was a young guy. This was the 3rd Atlantan I’ve seen openly carrying over the twelve years I’ve lived here. the other two were the stereotypical middle-aged white dudes. of those, however, one was a metal smelter/recycler who had large amounts of cash on him to pay for scrap metal largely brought in by drug addicts. it seemed understandable.


That’s the entire point. jlw gets to play the schadenfreude card, highlighting a small story about a man getting robbed at gunpoint, while not actually playing the schadenfreude card, then making some sort of high-and-mighty statement about “how the right to openly carry a gun in public keeps America safe” without actually making the statement in the article.

Publicizing the article without comment is making a comment in itself. If BoingBoing wants to push a line about how guns should be banned or more regulated or whatever then I think that’d be a bit more a of a genuine attempt to start a dicussion, and Maggie Koerth-Baker’s series in the past ( and has done a stellar attempt to discuss gun violence in the past. But this is truly awful.

Okay, I’m done, I’ll shut up for a while.


I wrote a simple, clear headline and then 1 word: “Via” the rest is a link and quote from a news source. I don’t need to point out the irony because the story does the work for itself.


Because @jlw tends to like odd “Florida man”-style stories – a long time lurker would probably have noticed that.


Face to face, amusing theft of open carry fool’s codpiece? Not frequent, but will get more frequent if they persist or multiply.

Criminals stealing guns from people who obtained them legally? Extremely frequent, #1 source of firearms for criminals.


LOTS of “Jesus loves Guns!” types in this part of the state. I know, I have relatives there… It’s pretty, but as backwoods as all get out at times.

The word “irony” keeps getting shown to you and you keep ignoring it. The conversation is over. You’re refusing to listen.


If you want to make this into a certain discussion, then go ahead. What’s the problem?

All of your complaints seem to be that you guess the article is being used to make some unspoken point which you find disagreeable. You are better off being pro-active and saying what you think about the link as presented instead of merely reacting to what you suspect its inclusion is “supposed to” mean.


That is the primary motivation. ‘Looking’ can be interchangeable with stuff like ‘hoping’ ‘wishing’ ‘daydreaming’ the phrase ‘looking for trouble’ can be replaced with ‘dumb enough to believe that a yahoo with a sidearm is anything but the unwitting tool of tyranny’ and many others.

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