Man faces fines of $500 a day for front yard zombie nativity scene

This guy, for instance.

Did you watch the video?

The guy is not a hipster in any way. He’s a middle aged small businessman who earlier in the year runs his own haunted house. It’s a viral promotion.

WTFV I guess is the new RTFA.


Where, pray tell, did I say that he (or, for that matter, anyone) was a hipster?

Boy, that was tough. You should try using the internet to do your own research sometime if you think every shed built by a guy ten years ago in his spare time with no idea how much a 2x4 can hold is even remotely safe.

In local environments it’s typically the result of someone in the past screwing up and the local inspector being told that people can’t have nice things anymore. Cables through houses, particularly Cat5 have an amazing array of coatings on them, some of which can be hazardous to firefighters, especially ones that are not plenum rated.

Sure, but families should be able to decide for themselves how much their presumed safety is worth, and accept responsibility for living with it. Paying people to protect us from ourselves is usually more trouble than it is worth.

The article talks about atheists as if it’s an identifier like being a Catholic. Atheism denotes a lack, thus the “a-” on it. They’re hard to talk about as having one tendency, and they don’t have general meetings. Oh sure some boinger will post up an atheist meetup. But by definition, atheists are not banded together, ideologically, politically or otherwise. Atheists share one trait. The rest can’t be pinned on them in toto. All that to say, who is threatening religion? I highly doubt it’s atheists attacking. It’s more like religions are beating the shit out of each other. …Which says a lot about religion, doesn’t it?


…Huh? I’m not talking about religion being under threat–I’m not concerned about it being destroyed (especially not as a blanket concept.) I’m not espousing some “War on Christmas” bullshit. All I’m saying is that there seems to be this tendency for otherwise-intelligent (normally left-leaning) people to say “all religion is bad” without really examining that statement. See also: the end of your comment.

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What? This is becoming circular. Who are these left-leant people decrying all religion if not atheists? Religious people are saying all religion is bad? You’re not making sense.

Hold on a second.

Are we talking about left leaning people, or sheds?



Where did I say that?

Extend your logic just a touch. Who are the intelligent, left-leaning people decrying religion? Religious intelligent, left-leaning people? Or atheistic intelligent left-leaning people? Which ones?

I guess I would have thought it was self-evident that religious people decrying religion doesn’t make much sense, but I can see, in retrospect, how the structure of my response might have confused the point.

Seeing as there are too many rulez and red tape for the poor guy to keep his nativity scene up, maybe he should call it even and go buy a gun instead?


Right! So it’s ATHEISTS!!! Ding ding! We have a winner. Evil atheists. Evil unthinking intelligent left-leaning atheists are bringing you down.

Thank God. I thought you were talking about me for a minute. I’m an evil THOUGHTFUL intelligent left leaning atheist. Phew!


Families may not have the time or education to determine what is and is not safe.


This avatar needs to win some sort of prize!


Lol no you’re cool, mate. Sorry for the confusion! It’s more just people who reflexively say “RELIGION CAUSES ALL BAD THINGS FOREVER.” We good(?)

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Nah. People do. Religion sucks too. But people. Let’s get rid of em.


You know what they say–“The only thing you can say about mankind is there’s nothing kind about man!” Ohohoho!
Freeze frame, roll credits, end of episode


Unfortunately they’re not the ones holding the bag because every home has insurance as a requirement for a mortgage. If you don’t have to borrow the money you can do whatever you want, but if someone else is going to have to replace your house because you screwed up they’re going to expect some kind of responsible person to look at how well your structural columns work and if your fireplace has a chance of taking everything out.

Don’t like it? Pay cash. Like any other insurance in the world we all pitch in.