Man has alligator as emotional support animal

You try telling someone with an “emotional support animal” they aren’t allowed in and see what happens. My supermarket is essentially a pet free-for-all now.

Do NOT put any unwrapped/unbagged food in a shopping cart.


As a reptile pet owner (exotic pet owner in general) I can see how the reptile helps reduce his depression. They’re amazing creatures with their own personality (often grumpy).

Reptiles are not something you bring around in public. It’s fucking weird. The experience often stresses the reptile out and freaks a lot of other people out. If you have a pet reptile leave it at home.


If that’s the case, you could always keep it at home with you, and not need to register it as an emotional support animal. If you need everyone to fuck off when you go out in public, you’re an asshole.

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A man living near the equator
Brought home a small alligator.
It was a strange pet
And as you might bet,
He made a nice snack for it later.


And a man down the road just a mile
Brought home a small crocodile.
It was a strange pet
And as you might bet,
It ate him after a while.


Dogs tend to know to let go.
This guys will bite, roll, and continue to do so until whatever it bit let’s go of your body.


Who knows?

A man on vacation from Xiamen
Brought home a little dwarf caiman.
It was a strange pet
And as you might bet,
It found something better than ramen.


Make me an alligator sandwich, he said. For such an event, there is no alternative to snappy.

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Alligator actually attacks allcomers.


This topic has been around for some time now. There are plenty of people who care not about the troubles of other people. Having said that, it is easy to judge and condemn someone for their needs.

We live in the 21st century and chock people enjoy science fiction movies in which anything goes. Sure, to proclaim an Alligator as an emotional support animal is a stretch by any means. But the main point is that this human being has found a companion that eases his depression. Maybe it works better than another human being, who is unable to just ‘be there’. Having emotional support animals myself, I can relate to the positive effect such an animal has on a depressed person. The animals don’t argue with You and don’t complain about a lot.

Where I draw the line though is, when folks like to take Alligators, Emus, Snakes, Pigs and Monkeys into the airplane cabin - because they are emotional support animals. Imagine a blind person with a service Alligator. Always on the way to the meat and deli section in the supermarket.

In conclusion - what people do at home is their very own thing - provided they own their place or have permission to do what they want. In public, the story is a different one.


Saw a comedian once who said " I own a Pittbull, and every time I look him in the eye I know he is thinking I could kill you if I want. Don’t you read the papers"


So the guy feels less suffering from his depression when he is holding and raising an animal that after a certain point in time will be basically unable not to kill him without great effort being made? Gee… you don’t say…

Ok, normally I’m skeptical of fringe emotional support animals; but according to the 100% scientific Fuzzyfungus All The Feels Scale, a guy giving his emotional support alligator tummy scritches, accompanied by reptilian jaw idling that can be easily anthropomorphized into bliss, is rated as ‘95th percentile life affirming’ on the scale from ‘1’ to ‘valid emotional support animal’.

It’s just science, folks, no point in arguing.

(figure 1. Authoritative)


It is not unlikely that mentioning the good old Harvard double negative in this context is a sign of bad attitude…

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this is completely amazing, mind-blowing actually

had to double check it was not April 1st already

so is he allowed to take it into stores and stuff? lol

:1> resolvedoublenegatives("He has never tried to bite no one.")
ans="He has tried to bite everyone."

The guy isn’t even a jaded, hard-boiled vice detective who plays by his own rules and lives a fast-paced life of constant danger. He barely even needs an emotional support alligator!


The shadow knows…


The Shadow Knows! Those were the days. Before video killed the radio star. War of the Worlds was also broadcast in this decade.

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