Man has alligator as emotional support animal

Cats with opposable thumbs would be the end of humanity. All the amoral murdery behavior and the ability to open doors and cabinets!

He’s so cute.

My guys!


Perhaps the emotion being supported is fear.


As a Cataddict, I am always amazed how great the variety of both character and appearance of Felis Catus is. Cat people. If we are really, really lucky, they let us partake in their lives. You will certainly be thrilled to see that ‘El Gato’ - the rather young rascal of a dear friend of mine could be the twin of Your rascal at the bottom. Yesterday I was introduced into a lovely Cat family nearby. I am supposed to adopt some of the newborn Kitties - I would take them all if I could!
Here is el fabuloso ‘El Gato’:


That’s pretty cold blooded


Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich.
Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich!

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If i were currently depressed with suicidal tendencies and a gambler, that would be my pet of choice.

i don’t know whether i’m gambling with this post.

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