yeah. i mean it’d be wild, but it doesn’t seem too hard to seal up all the doors to someone’s house and then wait till they’re ready to come out. it seems the cost of that would be significantly less than the cost of what killing the suspect is - and, you lose out on any information sources.
at least they didn’t drop a bomb on his house i guess ( re: the move bombings )
“After almost 15 years, what is believed to be the longest armed standoff in American history quietly came to a peaceful close Wednesday.”
only because the police gave up!
would that the police had shown that kind of private property deference when they broke into breonna taylor’s place to serve a warrant for someone who wasn’t there and didn’t live there
Yeah, new febrile just dropped, but was not met at the door with a water cannon (probs lethal?) or taser and 5 minute wait for the perp to go sleep. [Me at the deceased’s house with a mirror at a window in full sun… “yeah I’m not seeing the pistol this way.”]
Also…Grand Torino, though if he directed Gran Turismo, that’s gonna be some neat inclusive stuff, plus Polys Entertainment, Polyphony Digital and Kasunori Yamauchi…lessee, GT7 finally went multiplatform in 2020 in June. Oh, there was a Hulu biopic of it in '14.
Yeah, Schwarzenegger is 76 and still making action movies. But anyone who is ambulatory and capable of wielding a firearm could potentially pose a threat. Without knowing more details on the raid it’s impossible to know whether the feds took reasonable precautions in planning the raid, as well as acting appropriately in the moment, but it’s certainly plausible.
Neighbors described Robertson as a frail, elderly man — his online profile put his age as 74 — who walked with the aid of a hand-carved stick. Though he regularly carried guns, they said he didn’t seem a threat.
Um… anyone who regularly carries around guns is a threat. You know when you carry guns around? When you might need/want to use them. Like when you’re hunting, or when you’re a police officer. If I see someone carrying a gun around, I will assume that they anticipate using it.
Yah, sorry, I’m not much for taking cops’ word for what people were holding, even when the victim is someone I don’t like who clearly needs to be off the streets. Every murder by cop is a failure of the system.
Exactly. And until evidence is provided otherwise, this is a bad shooting. Every shooting is a bad shooting until proven otherwise.
I dunno why so many in this thread are waffling on this, just because this was clearly a bad dude. He didn’t deserve to be murdered by the state.
I don’t think this is the thread to start a debate about it, but I could not disagree more with this in regard to Waco. I don’t know much about Ruby Ridge so I won’t comment there, but Waco was the biggest boondoggle disaster in federal law enforcement history and nothing about it was justified or correct.
Especially since they haven’t even claimed he WAS holding a gun, at least not in the press releases issued so far.
That’s the detail that is highly conspicuous in its absence. In most cases where a cop shoots someone dead the department immediately issues a statement explaining why the officer’s actions were necessary (whether there was actual justification or not).
Exactly. The lack of an official explanation in the first press releases is very suspicious. I can’t help but think his skin colour and political leaning have something to do with that. If this was a young Black man, they’d say he reached for a weapon (that was a cellphone but whatevs) and that would be the end of it. They seem to be working harder not to look bad here. They aren’t busting out the usual cop lies (yet), maybe because they know the backlash would be worse because it’s a MAGA white man.
maybe the difference is down to it being the fbi and not a local cop. they had said this in the statement
“The FBI takes all shooting incidents involving our agents or task force members seriously,” the FBI said in a statement. “In accordance with FBI policy, the shooting incident is under review by the FBI’s Inspection Division. As this is an ongoing matter, we have no further details to provide.”
so different procedures? i have no idea how often fbi agents kill people. much more rare than regular cops for sure
I too would like more information on the confrontation/shooting. Hopefully it will be released shortly, because lack of details just allows speculation to run wild.
Though I give it a 50/50 shot of this being a “bad shoot” and in which case, they got to figure a way to cover their asses.
Suddenly a whole lot of Republicans are going to get very interested in unjustified police shootings.