Man pepper sprayed for walking past police

They can get pretty big. I’ve had some pretty big ones over my lifetime. Google will show you a few, too.

My daughter got one easily a quarter inch tall less than a week ago from a field hockey accident. I was making pachycephalosaurus jokes.


New tactic: everyone at protests carries pepper spray and drowns the motherfucking pigs in the shit when they start getting squirty.


The police would open fire, call it justified, and launch an investigation/harassment campaign against any associates of anyone involved.


Sadly, I’m afraid you have the right of it.

Escalation erm… response in kind erm… anything except instantaneous compliance with undertones of abject surrender of all constitutional protections will be treated as a request to be beaten/maimed/killed.

Life imitates art. I was once pulled over on I-5 with a wall of police guns pointed at me, and one of 'em screaming at me to turn off the engine… which is what I did first thing when I stopped, so I couldn’t comply. Tried “explaining” that, but they couldn’t hear me over the traffic and the adrenaline running in their ears. Thought I was gonna die that day.


If you had been shot, one of them would have helpfully reached around your bleeding corpse and re-started the engine so they could all be justified in murdering you.


Since you recently typed this, can we assume you are white? I read your last sentence in Roseanne Roseannadanna voice.

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