Originally published at: Man repeatedly rams ex-girlfriend's car outside Walmart, then escapes to McDonald's | Boing Boing
“Not on my watch, punk!” —Officer Big Mac
McDonalds later admitted that, despite testing well with focus groups, their new, “edgy” reboot of the Hamburglar might have gone a little too far.
Shattering my belief that medieval sanctuary laws applied to the golden arches…
Ain’t that America to you and me?
dude couldn’t find a forklift to steal to do the dirty work?
Here in The Sprawl, a headline like that narrows down the number of locations to something like: 1,000 possible places
When told of the news, Grimace grimaced.
Film at 11.
This could have been in Santa Fe NM, or Jackson CA, or anywhere in USA where Wally’s and Micky’s are not too distant, and emotions rage. Yikes.
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