Man sells $325 plastic baggies on Craigslist with free pot inside

Back when friends and I visited New York City in 2000, you could play the same game with Starbucks. Seemed like they were everywhere


They are all there still!

And Happy Boingthday! May I have a slice of cake?


Why yes! I’m more than willing to share! :grin:


cannabis corey here. I love to help people. I dont believe what im doing is hurtful to anyone. Everyone I’ve talked to so far are really cool, decent, hard working tax payers who voted this law into place. thank you all for the positive responses. Peace & Love #cannabiscorey1



The good thing about there being so many Dunkin Donuts in BOS is that if the one you’re at is out of your favorite donut you can just go across the street and see if that Dunkins has them.

“Grab a cruller, have an extra lahge, three Parliaments take a big dump, that’s kinda the routine.”

Well considering that that lane lines on the road are treated as mere suggestions, why would you need street signs?[quote=“Nightflyer, post:62, topic:92185, full:true”]
Back when friends and I visited New York City in 2000, you could play the same game with Starbucks. Seemed like they were everywhere…

Seattle too. And to bring this back on topic, there’s a “Starbuds” store behind my neighborhood Costco here. They sell much more reasonably-priced … plastic baggies.


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