Originally published at: Man willing to shoot child who rang his doorbell looking for missing kitten apologizes after he goes viral | Boing Boing
My fucking god what a piece of utter refuse that pathetic man child is. What a loser.
Just a terrible mood, a temporary lapse of judgment, and of course a device ready to turn those into a dead child whenever he feels like it.
That is some first class isolationism there. Someone doing the thing that you are supposed to do to announce that you are there deserves to be shot for it?
I don’t think this person is safe to have living anywhere around people if he thinks that the doorbell is the “please shoot me” button
Posting on what appears to be a work/corporate account, no less
He’s sorry that people called him on being stupid in public,
Yeah, there’s a lot going on there, but getting angry because someone used the doorbell you chose to have on your front door? It’s like threatening to track down and murder anyone who calls your phone…
“You do not ring doorbells in 2023?” Does this guy ever listen to what comes out of his own mouth? I suppose if someone knocked he’d pee himself in abject terror before blowing the entire front of the house off with a rocket launcher. How are these people able to function in society if they live in such fear that a UPS driver can’t even make a delivery without the risk of being killed?
This is the kind of dangerous person red flag laws were made for.
Completely agree. Take that dudes gun(s) away NOW.
If only the US had proper health care, then they could adapt Finnish gun laws.
Saw this further down one of the tweet threads:
Now if only law enforcement could take his guns away…
It must be so difficult, buttoning one’s shirt, tying a tie, putting on undies, trousers, socks, and tying one’s shoes, all while holding a fucking gun.
Let’s hope he’s already removed his doorbell.
I just… don’t understand. What’s wrong with ringing a doorbell?
No, because if he did, the point of sale wouldn’t have a doorbell in the first place.
(Autocorrect at it again. I should remove the rule that expands “POS”.)
Well done them.
Now we wait for the inevitably stupid right wing complaint that Big Weather is violating his First Amendment rights because he chose to uphold the Second Amendment.
Yesterday my doorbell was rung 3 times. First, UPS delivered a box of wood pellet bunny litter. Next, a young man came trying to sell pest management, which I declined. Finally, a neighborhood kid stopped by to ask if my daughter could come out to play.
I didn’t shoot — or even consider shooting — any of them. The young man selling pest management did leave in a hurry, but I’d like to fool myself that it was because he had other things to do than listen to why bugs are useful for the environment and therefore I don’t want to nuke them…