Man with last name "Raper" charged with rape


It seems the ASVAB is totally unnecessary for this young man.

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Nominative determinism.

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He shoulda went with McLovin.

Apellomancers. Fuck em’, right? (NSFW Comic:

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Prosecutor, “It’s gotta be him judge, Right?”

Judge, "Seems like it. . . . Guilty as charged Mister “Rape.” Next case !

His attorney should argue that it’s impossible for him to get a fair trial. Case dismissed.

Its funny because his name is… oh wait, its not funny at all.


A. Wiener couldn’t be reached for comment.

Don’t jump the gun – The statute probably reads “sex offence with a child between 3 and 13”. It could have been a 13yo victim too – the article doesn’t say. Either way, a 19yo ought to have known better.

You are right. I’ve deleted that bit. Probably just noting the rape part should suffice.

Met a couple of people with that surname a few years back. Both changed their name…because, this guy.

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