Manbabies react to announcement that a black woman is the new 007

What do you have against stereotypical KGB agents being cast in this role?!


They definitely got sillier during the Roger Moore phase, but I kinda liked that.

I enjoyed them as a teenager, by the time I was in my 20’s watching them was more like nostalgia.

I haven’t even seen most of the new ones. There’s too much other stuff to watch that isn’t treading over the same worn-out path.


The James Bond franchise died the minute they started filming the first one with Daniel Craig in the lead. For one thing, he’s a terrible actor. He has only one facial expression, and that looks like he’s mad because he’s constipated. But even worse, they changed the character beyond any recognition. They took a character that was always urbane, suave, sophisticated, a guy you felt like was always in control, and turned him into an emotionally crippled, angst-riddled flake with mommy and daddy issues. Nowadays nobody watches the movies because they think Bond is so cool; they’re nothing but Michael Bay-type explodafests with a slightly different color palette. People watch Bond movies because they want to see superhero-type nonsense, but nobody wants to be James Bond anymore. They might as well give the character to a black woman. They might as well give the character to a tattooed Chinese midget with green hair. That can’t disfigure the nature of the character any worse than casting Daniel Craig.

I don’t know enough about her to form any opinion whatsoever, but I am a little disappointed because I’m sure Idris Elba would could have made a good Bond.But then I haven’t seen a Bond film in years.

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I did get to wondering how they were going to handle the menagerie of lovers.

But not as much as I wondered about what the one liners were going to be like.


Bond was always an emotionally crippled misogynist, albeit an outwardly smooth one. At least Daniel Craig’s version made an effort explaining how he got that way.


This sounds like the kind of hot take that before the internet took place at the bar in a VFW.

That they “ruined” Bond because blah blah.

Each Bond has been a slightly different take. There is very little continuity or “canon” between films. It has always been pointless to complain about a Bond pick. Now as much as ever.


From the point of view of the storyteller’s art, there is absolutely no reason whatever to change the lead character this much. This casting is really nothing but a blatant attempt to stimulate controversy in the hopes that will translate into higher ticket sales. This is 100% cynical bullshit. Since the success of Black Panther, movie jerks figure black people will flock to see any big-budget film that has a black lead. If any movie industry people say they have any reason for this casting other than playing a race car to squeeze one more dollar out of the dead and rotting carcass that is the James Bond franchise, they’re lying.



No, the original James Bond wasn’t emotionally crippled. He was just a jerk when it came to how he treated women. He was perfectly fine with his feelings even if you didn’t like him.

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If they’d cast Helen Hunt, it wouldn’t even be that much orf a stretch. Call the movie “James Bond: U Mad About Bond?”

Helen Hunt as Jamie “James” Buchman (née Stemple, born February 19, 1963), the younger daughter of Gus and Theresa Stemple. After seven boyfriends at Yale University, she met Paul Buchman at a New York newsstand by stealing his copy of The New York Times with an implausible excuse. Her difficult relationship with her mother-in-law is an ongoing source of jokes on the show.

ETA: oof, just realized Jamie’s entire wikipedia character description fails so hard to describe her in any way besides her relationship to men…


In this movie the role of lionized government assassin in service to the interests of empire and world-destroying capital is played by a black woman!



Again, this movie isn’t changing James Bond into a woman of color. James Bond is still a white guy in this movie, but he’s retired and his designation number had been reassigned.

Chill out a little maybe.


Interesting distinction there.


Yeah there were something like 14 and they were RADICALLY different from the movies. Octopussy, for example was an actual octopus.


You do realize they didn’t cast her as James Bond, right? They cast her as 007.


After ~8 regenerations, why not?


… I see.

As for this move, it’s an interesting twist and I hope it does well. I haven’t watched a Bond film since the late 80s/early 90s, and unless this has more of a hook than a character change, I probably won’t start now.

I’ve been essentially done with “Bond” since I found the joy of Archer, to be honest.

As for manbaby reactions, I find it interesting how much friction there is to reimagining fictional characters, while so many are willing to pretend actual Nazis aren’t the bad guys, and the atrocities of the Holocaust never happened. People sure are wondrous creatures.

I know it was a typo, but man that amused me. “Go, Speed Racist!”



Yes! Lashana Lynch, with martini in hand - Bond, James Bond.

James isn’t even that uncommon a name for girls.


With its catchy theme song, “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend Forever”.