Manhattan DA served Google with a "reverse search warrant" in a bid to prosecute antifa protesters



The Manhattan DA is performing a reverse search warrant en masse precisely in the attempt to stifle dissent.
FYI, enlightenment is not group-think.


What is being ignored here is just how indiscriminate the reverse search warrant is. Was your phone’s ID pinged within the Geofence? Congratulations, you just got tagged as a perp. So what if you were there to merely observe, or even stumbled into the geofenced area by accident. Anyone who wasn’t a Proud Boy must be Antifa, and we all know how paranoid the cops are about Antifa.


Almost as if they are fascist sympathizers. Funny that.


This thread has descended into utter madness. We’re talking about the cops opening files on people who happened to be walking their dog near a peaceful protest and somehow we’re arguing over whether it’s overreach because maybe some of those peaceful protesters may one day be more radical? If the tone at BBS is that a large number of people are saying, “Maybe they are right this time!” then I’m pretty worried about how Red Scare II is going to poll with the general populace (80% in favour, I’d imagine).


In that case, let’s arm Antifa. That’s what the Second Amendment is supposed to be about, anyway–showing your government that its people have teeth and can’t be trod upon…

…except that I don’t really believe this. Whatever you achieve by violence probably hasn’t really been achieved at all.

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Well, they did more than just politely ask for something… they’re already too radical, marching peacefully! /s


If who ever got into power? The nebulous mass of anarchists and socialists that makes up the core of Antifa in the United States? Why are you claiming these people represent a coherent political movement, rather than a reaction to the growing threat from the far right?

In any case, if you’re willing to acknowledge that the American left is weak and thus far from gaining any real political power, then I don’t understand what basis you have for concern. Tankies make up a small faction within a small faction with basically no power and no indication it will ever have any. The far right have their guy in the White House, sympathizers and supporters within law enforcement (weird how many cops get outed as white supremacists, huh), and more-or-less free access to guns. If I had to be scared of authoritarians taking over the government in the the US, it wouldn’t be the Stalinists I’d be concerned about.


Often called, “herding cats.” Sure, group-think. Riiiight.

Discourse has tools for that. If I wanted to silence you, you’d be on Ignore. You’re not.

I think you’re intentionally spreading misinformation. My #1 priority is to counter that misinformation with information, for people who might be swayed by your false narrative. My #2 priority is to get you to think about your own position, which, if you are a centrist, should be possible. If you aren’t, then I’m not worried about influencing you.


To be clear: when I said that people want to siilence me, I was referring to the fact that suddenly my posts have to be approved by a moderator and don’t appear instantly.

I can only assume my posts are suddenly under scrutiny because someone complained.

I am not intentionally spreading misinformation, because I believe that everything I have said here is true. If I was lying, I certainly wouldn’t do so using my real name.

Pre approval is triggered on keyword matching.


You would be incorrect, and should not jump to conclusions. Posts are held for various content reasons, and flagged for the same reasons. A post being held means a computer found your post suspicious. I’m sorry that computers do that sometimes. That doesn’t mean it’s only happening to you or that you are being singled out.

This is a community. Coming here, making your point, and then complaining that the community won’t listen to you doesn’t make you a part of the community. Saying “you are not engaging with me in the manner that I approve of so I do not want to engage with you” is your right, but it does not help to make you a part of the community.

Lastly, if you feel a post (or poster) is violating our community standards, the correct course of action is to flag the post and allow the moderators to respond. Do not respond in kind. Not only are such meta-arguments against those same guidelines - it is for good reason: they almost always derail the conversation away from the topic at hand into mud-slinging by the individuals involved.

If you (or indeed, anyone) wish intelligent discourse, then:
1 - make intelligent posts
2 - respond to intelligent criticism
3 - ignore the rest, or
4 - flag the bad actors.

This is the last I want to see of accusations of persecution or silencing of otherwise valid opinion in this topic, please.


Funny how quiet it got in here.


People need to remember that the Monty Python joke about the Judean Peoples Front and the Peoples Front of Judea was based on real life left wing groups (specifically British Trotskyist groups) who acrimoniously split for the most minor of things. There was probably a split somewhere that happened over a disagreement of whether the meetings should have Tetley tea or PG Tips.

Then there are the splits that happened for good reasons (the anarchists getting betrayed by the Soviet Union in the Free Territory, the anarchists getting betrayed by the Soviet Union in the Kronstadt rebellion, the anarchists getting betrayed by the Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War - you may be seeing a pattern here. It looks like the DFNES will be betrayed by the tankies yet again :rage:.)

So, the idea of far-left group think is a joke. If you have done something that stops all the infighting so that they all focus on you, then you probably deserve an award of some kind.



But why Google? In Germany this is called “Funkzellenabfrage” (radio cell request). With a warrant they request IMEI and number of any person logged into specific towers.(using triangulation to specify the area)

With asking Google you most likely miss out IPhones, aren’t you?

As always was announced to be used very scarcely, now some federal states use it in fact regularly.

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Antifa members are already setting up soup kitchens and fighting for equality, but they would be doing more without the far right getting in their way.


As a guess, Google might be easier to get a warrant for this from than a more regulated common carrier.

Also, Apple Maps suck, so most of their users install Google Maps. Other Google apps also record geolocation data associated with a Google account.


Yeah. My point was that I don’t care what his motivations are. He’s carrying water for them whether he believes the ideology, or just is super thrilled to be making a name for himself however he can. He’s a usefull tool for the fascists.