Mario theme performed with trumpet and handgun

As a discussion of an Internet video grows longer, the probability of someone suggesting that the video is bad because people will model behavior on it approaches one.


First off: I don’t think you can compare the rules to an olympic sport (using highly specialized guns) with your day-to-day pistol handling. While I totally expect people will practice shooting with one hand in a shooting-range environment, most teachers will tell you the best way to shoot is using both hands (reducing recoil and increasing accuracy). I also agree that people who take more advanced shooting classes will train under some form of induced stress. I refuse to believe that there is any trainer that puts a trumpet in his pupils hands to induce this stress.

Lastly, I did not make a video of me randomly shooting a handgun in what looks like someone’s backyard. The burden of proof lies on the makers of the video.

Yes it is silly and very likely not super unsafe, but these handguns weren’t made to be instruments. They were made to hurt and kill people and as such demand to be used as safely as possible. If you speed at 190 km/h down an interstate, you’d call it “reckless driving” even if the driver wears a seatbelt. Shooting a gun in your backyard because you want to make a cute Youtube video therefore easily makes it into the “reckless use of a firearm” category. In fact, if you did this stunt in most of the North Western part of Europe, you’d lose your license (I’m even willing to bet that you’d make the evening news).


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