If only former VP Dick “Dick” Cheney were alive to win this contest.
Man, you got my hopes up for a second that he died.
I am disappoint
This is why the helicopter and “assault weapon” are used. Chase down the hogs and be able to shoot them a bunch.
That didn’t work too well for Art Galt in First Blood
So it’s like most bloodsports then, the pest control argument is a justification rather than a solution.
We need to supply the hogs with rocks, then.
(Oh, and opposable thumbs too, I suppose).
I’m just thinking about when she starts hunting everyone else she hates, and knowing that trans people are good at throwing bricks at authority figures.
Hog is too close to Hogg for me to think there isn’t some amount of significance.
Taking care of the problem isn’t the issue, it’s the joy they take in killing the animals.
We have people like that in our community, they hunt coyotes and then post photos of stacks of dead animals bragging about their kill.
They justify their enthusiasm for killing by saying the animals are invasive and dangerous, then just kill them and move on quit getting off on it.
It’s disgusting.
Is this topic really going to devolve into another debate about effective control of feral hog populations? The debate that we’ve had 30-50 times before? Except this time with the added lunacy of using fucking helicopters?
Marge ain’t happy.
Marge on the other hand gets to lie about everyone every day.
I’d love to buy her dictionary and thesaurus for Christmas, but I know she’ll never use them.
Is too soon to speculate about the divorce? Was she too wackadoodle for him and he said enough?
We are nearing inception-level projection at this point.
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