Marjorie Taylor Greene brags about Georgia's new airport project — that she voted against 2 weeks ago

Originally published at:


The only thing the mouth-breathers who vote for her expect her to deliver is “owning the libz”. See also Ted Cruz and countless other do-nothing Republicans.


It’s bad enough when Republican congresscritters take passive credit for things they voted against, but claiming she “successfully secured” the funding takes the cake. I’d not be surprised if she hadn’t even lobbied for the relevant earmark in the appropriations bill. Seems like she sees her role as: voting performatively (even if it hurts her constituents), contributing to purely performative bills or declarations (that don’t do anything or are incoherent, unconstitutional and/or just so awful they have no chance of passing) and unproductively grandstanding (in and out of congress). And that’s it.


I guess this is the new trend among Republicans. They know their voters don’t care if they lie any more, so why not just take credit for everything all the time?


Where the hell are they going to put a runway in Floyd county? Will they buy more land off Berry College for it? :thinking:

Oh… DUH…

I’m guessing they’re expanding Russell airport…

But anyway… of course she lied about it… but shame on the RNT for just printing what she said, rather than doing their job and pushing back on her lies… of course, if it’s like other small town papers, they probably don’t have much of a newsroom left these days.


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