Marjorie Taylor Greene celebrates after RNC bloodbath: "MAGA is now in control!"

I don’t think they care about that. They just see those salaries as money that could go to Il Douche rather than try to influence people they want to deport or eliminate anyway. They are not smart.


If this is anything like the corporate bloodbaths I’ve been part of, they might also (as a side effect) quickly realize they fired everybody who knew how anything worked.

Any truth to the rumours that Lara Trump once headed up Boeing?


Oh that would be brilliant. While he’s lying there in a pool of his own piss and his courtiers are waiting until they are all assembled before doing anything (lest they be accused of disloyalty) and when they eventually get to ordering a doctor, it’s not that they’ve all been purged to Siberia, it’s that the favoured doctors are all the ones that say he is the healthiest and strongest and hand out the most drugs like sweeties….

It would be beautiful.


Switch Jewish doctors for doctors who are pro choice and treat transgender patients with respect, and you would be spot on. They haven’t been purged (yet), they are just moving to states where they can do their jobs.


I kind of took it as Zitter, a great, big, abscess boiling to the top, as MTG and TFG have done in the GQP.


Not a third party, a replacement party. They’re already saying if you’re not MAGA you’re not welcome in the GOP. They’re actively trying to drive people out of the party. People that are not going join the Dem party.

All those GOP that left the GOP in 2015, then in 2016, then 2018, then 2020, then 2022, and leaving now in 2024. People who did not and will never join the Dem party but are also not in the GOP anymore. At some point, there will be more of them than those left in what is sort of calling itself the GOP.

All “adults” that left, are leaving, and the more that will leave. Eventually, they’ll form a new replacement for the GOP. Call it GOP 2.0, or all the corporate welfare with less fascism. These are people who believe, at least somewhat, in the system. But they have very different views of the goals and polices than any Dem.

Eventually there will be a critical mass of them to create upheaval as we transition from the current two parties to a new combination. It’s not going to happen before the 2024 election, but its coming at some point. Assuming TFG doesn’t win for some insane reason.

It’s not going to be pretty either.

Just look at how incapable the house is at doing anything to see the pull between these two groups. They already exist, but are clinging to being one GOP to hold a majority.




They don’t plan on winning the election. They plan on winning the insurrection afterwards. I only wish i was joking.


Let’s hope that the government is prepared for that, and that all the gravy team six jokes are relatively true.


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