Marjorie Taylor Greene celebrates after RNC bloodbath: "MAGA is now in control!"

I think Vermin is still promising ponies.


I don’t think it’s possible to have a third political party under the current US system, but its entirely possible the Republicans will lose every vaguely contested election in November and hand the Democrats total control.
At that point some adults might get themselves back in control of the Republican party and ditch the weirdos in an effort to make themselves electable again.
I’m not sure who those adults would be however. Some Rockefeller maybe?


Slime mold? Flesh-eating Bacteria,? Howler Monkey? Burning Dumpster? Feces?

They got a lot to choose from!


i fear this is where your argument falls apart.
the “adults” have left or are resigning at this point, leaving the magats in control.
burn the GOP to the waterline and bury the keel. there are no “cooler heads” left anywhere near the helm to right that rotten scow. let them scuttle the whole thing and let the rats drown in her undertow.
RIPieces, GOP.


Meanwhile, in the House, Ken Buck just announced he’s quitting early. As in next week. That will leave the House with 218 Republicans, the minimum necessary to constitute a majority.


Mind you, the current RNC crew is the student pilot who didn’t have the chicken.


Meh, Reagan didn’t need them, why should… oh.


Inevitable given how the definition of race is so very rooted in racism. It is possible for a white person to have black children in the US, but to this day it is impossible for a black person to have white children. Which tells us all we need to know about the meanings of ‘white’ and ‘black’, not to mention all the other racialization nonsense.


My entire adult life, I’ve never heard this point being made, yet it’s more powerfully cogent and concise than any other argument regarding race as a social construct that I’ve ever heard. Stealing it.


Even more relevant than it was in the 1980s:

The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum - take away my right to choose
The lunatics have taken over the asylum - take away my point of view
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum - take away my dignity
Take these things away from me
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum - take away my family
Take away the right to speak
The lunatics have taken over the asylum take away my point of view
Take away my right to choose


The other bloated elephant in the room is the insanity of staking the entire future of your party on a single man. Of 79. Who eats fast food and doesn’t believe in exercise. And who may be going to jail.

If Biden drops dead tomorrow, we scramble, see if Harris is up for it, and she’s our candidate. If she bows out, the dems would coalesce around whoever they pick at convention. That guy/gal who’s not Trump? Happy to vote for them.

If Trump dies, it’s the American remake of Death of Stalin. It’d be like Succession, except every character is Cousin Greg. Seventeen people will pop up swearing that Trump swore they would be his VP and/or successor.


Hey, if the Trump family sucks the GoP dry, then Trump himself suffers a simultaneous stroke and dual occlusive myocardial infarction, then that’s the gift of a Unicorn with rainbows on top and a side of your favourite ice-cream.


No doubt Lara Trump will now have fifty salaried positions in the RNC with the other Trumplettes each filling several roles to maximise the grift.


They moved the Overton window so far to the right it fell off the edge into crazy town.


Yep. Any bets on how long before Xitter is finally xit, xat and xot? :crazy_face:


As long as the US keeps the first-past-the-post election mechanics, nope. It will always converge into a two-party system.

Ah yes, “unskewed polls”.


The term for that is hypodescent.

In other cultures different rules may apply.


If this is anything like the corporate bloodbaths I’ve been part of, they might also (as a side effect) quickly realize they fired everybody who knew how anything worked. Ive been at least two companies that purged and then tried to hire people back in a matter of weeks after that sinking feeling of vast amounts of institutional knowledge being lost, usually to be told to go pound sand, which is what I hope happen here.


IIRC Musk did that at Twitter.