You make it sound like the case against her is a slam dunk.
I mean, she’s clearly no genius, but I’m not hearing anything so far that’s definitely going to make the judge support a case against her.
You make it sound like the case against her is a slam dunk.
I mean, she’s clearly no genius, but I’m not hearing anything so far that’s definitely going to make the judge support a case against her.
I was referring only to the short clip shown in the post. No doubt she’ll walk away unscathed.
You just know that he is making little hearts with his hands and blowing her kisses.
I’m watching the courtroom circus via Insta, Marg has perjured herself multiple times, the whopper being that she doesn’t believe in Qanon [now?] and has never made any statements regarding Qanon, that’s a f’ing lie of epic proportions.
If you have the stomach for it, imagine what they’re [Matt & Marg] like behind closed doors, not kink shaming here, but that shit got’a be strange.
I assume Madison Cawthorn will be along later as a character witness?
Sounds familiar:
“a little bit like trying to play cribbage with a lunatic; the cards kept going everywhere and sometimes you found yourself pegging backwards.”
–Steohen King, Pet Sematery
“That’s just fake reality!”
Marge is a bit old for him isn’t she?
Just keeping it real & in the family, sort’a kissing cousins…
I hear he’s into Oedipus Play too.
That’s one of the lingering questions I’ve had: even if she’s charged for perjuring herself, will it have any impact on the primary point to prove she’s unfit for office? Honest question, as I have no idea how that would play out in this specific case (no law experience here).
Yeah I would have liked to see her grilled more on this statement:
For example, an interesting follow-up might be “…and what kind of response would you have deemed appropriate if it had actually been Antifa or BLM breaking in to the Capitol instead of Trump supporters?”
Hey Marjorie … Why don’t you pass the time with a game of solitaire?
For some reason my brain read that as “Their official position is that the onset of Alzheimer’s began after he died.” Which would not be inconsistent with their claims.
I believe the phrase is “lock her up!”, no?
Even on this side of the pond, not yet potty trained by the end of his term, I’ve heard the joke that Mrs Reagan was the first female POTUS.