She probably means something different by “science.”
The “logic” is probably something like this:
Liberals say we should follow science.
Science says there are two genders.
Gotcha, liberals!
And who also are just a little too eager to flex their guns and ammo…
Hm. Nobody showed up. If the takeaway eluded her, maybe this should help:
(yes, BB, that was a complete sentence)
vengence is mine, declares the lord
Brought to you by the same book series as:
judge not lest ye be judged
love thy neighbor as thyself; there is no commandment greater
love is full of mercy
I’m of the opinion that MTG and all the fundies follow this to the letter.
Note that it does NOT say “love thy neighbor”. Loathing your neighbor if you loathe yourself does not violate it.
You know, with my glasses off, that thumbnail pic looks like a Cylon. Fits. I’m just going to think of their headquarters as a giant Toaster head henceforth.
Spot on. Maybe she’s not the brilliant tactician they thought she was.
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