Originally published at: Marjorie Taylor Greene held an anti-trans rally at the Capitol, but nobody showed up | Boing Boing
I’m often amazed by the coverage and influence these transphobes get given the lack of support they get from the general public.
We had a demonstration here last fall against a drag queen storytime event, and less than 20 people came out for it despite this being a really conservative place. The counter protest was in the hundreds, but the press reporting gave most of the airtime to the 'phobes. There’s a lot of money backing the anti-trans/LGBT movement, but not much public support, yet it keeps being treated as some mainstream thing and not the fringe right-wing whackjob movement it actually is.
As a trans person, I’m pretty freaking sick of it.
This is a common situation when fascists show up to demonstrate – they’re always outnumbered by counter-protestors by a huge proportion. If the corporate media outlets are pushed to cover the reality of the situation, it’s an effective statement in and of itself as to who the real majority is.
Unfortunately, as you say, the reporting tends to reflect a simplistic “two equal sides” narrative in a misguided attempt to be “objective”. I’m tired of it too.
Noice, this seems more like an anti-MTG rally, may there be many more.
MTG: “What do we want? Anti-Trans rights! When do we…”
Rest of World: “Fuck off Marje.”
I keep reading this about these transphobe protests which gives me some hope that it’s the dying gasp of reactionaries which isn’t supported by the wider public, but like you say there are a lot of powerful backers pushing the transphobic narrative through the media.
'Trust the Science!
But we do, Marge. We do.
We just don’t trust big fat liars.
So, is joining the Uniparty kind of like wearing a unitardy?
And that’s a big part of the problem… it’s not even giving equal time to “both sides”, it’s giving bigots a platform that makes it seem like they are indeed the “silent majority” when they sure as hell are not that.
I can imagine, since you’re community is the target of this shit. I’m sick of it too… These assholes do not speak for most of the country, I don’t think, and I’m really over the media treating them like they have a viable political position when they’re just spewing ignorant hate.
You love to see it. Or, you know, not see it because the press didn’t even show up to legitimize the farce. As it should be.
Yes, please, “Trust the Science”, you ABSOLUTELY should trust the science on this MTG.
So why the ever loving $@#(&(& are you ignoring it? (rhetorical question, she wouldn’t know science if it bit her on the ass)
Just don’t show up unitardy for the uniparty.
''Vengeance is mine declares the Lord."
Absolutely right, MTG. He doesn’t want or need you.
I remember someone defining “religious fundamentalist” as “someone who does what God would do, if He were able.”
I sure as hell don’t trust what you call science, Empty G.
If that god of hers won’t let evil go unpunished, Empty G is in a lot of trouble.
Somehow, the irony escapes her.
She was too cheap to spring for free beer or Cracker Barrel gift certificates.
Why do we only hear that from people who’ve assigned themselves the role of the Deity’s designated agent?
Some of it is because the news media is regarded as a kind of entertainment these days. Also, the majority of news outlets in the USA and UK are right wing and push anti-woke narratives of all kinds.
Another factor is that “balance” is assumed to mean giving equal time to two sides of an argument where in reality one side has the great majority of the scientific and popular support.
MTG’s sign: “There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE. ‘Trust the Science!’”
Strange, she doesn’t think actual science should be trusted when it comes to disease control and climate change.