Marjorie Taylor Greene is booed loudly by Congress, then tries — but fails — to oust Mike Johnson (video)

I just don’t understand why they won’t try this in districts like that. I mean, what do you have to lose? AOC, one of the most consistently progressive members of the House, has mostly been a loyal, faithful member of the Democratic Party, especially when it matters. The Democrats on the far left (well…US far left, such as it is) are not like Republicans on the far right. They will not work to hurt their own party. So what the hell is the problem with throwing some support behind progressives in the solidly red districts? There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain. Low risk, high reward. It should be a no-brainer.


Exactly… but that’s a difficult sell to the more conservative party leadership in states like GA, sadly. They want to push people they believe will appeal to the middle of the road voters, rather than taking a chance on someone who has a real progressive message. They are shooting themselves in the foot, I think.


Newt Gingrich. Bi-partisanship wasn’t exactly popular under Reagan, but back then a “bi-partisan success” press release meant they had at a self-aggrandizing term to describe not getting everything they wanted. Now, bi-partisan means “they defeated us.” It was Gingrich who most successfully marketed defeating Democrats as more important than actually accomplishing anything.


Carrey made a terrible Biden, but I did enjoy the wackiness of it.



Oh… Major shift from 1981 onwards. I wonder what happened then… Oh it’s fucking Reagan again. Thanks Reagan! You truly are the gift that keeps on giving… to wealthy special interests.


There’s a narrative that gets thrown around that progressive candidates have not actually performed well. Stacy Abrams is brought up as an example of someone who is something of a progressive darling but keeps losing.

It’s not exactly a fair argument though. Establishment types get put in easy to win seats. Women, people of colour, and particularly women of colour often perform poorly electorally… Because they’re only being allowed to run in seats with worse chances.

This isn’t just an American thing, it’s a worldwide phenomenon. It’s particularly stark in leadership. You’ll see a party fall from grace and someone from a disenfranchised group is handed the poison chalice. The white male establishment types don’t want to because it’ll go against their chances of a future run at president/PM if they’re at the helm during an electoral wipeout. For a recent example: see the Tory party. White male, white male, white male, white female… Oops we shat the bed and are going to be wiped out at the next election. Right, let’s put a woman in charge. Oh! She was disastrous and broke the economy. Do we have any brown people?


Is this booing by the House a sign of the pendulum swinging, or just the result of Trump and Murdoch and other turning on MTG?


One can only hope.



She’s a uniter, not a divider.


Maybe this is a small hint that Republicans are getting sick of her antics.

Holy shit - that chart really spells it out, doesn’t it?

I believe this shows the schism in politics where Republicans stopped running on having different policies than Democrats, but that Democrats are an evil trying to destroy America and must be stopped.

In the past there was certain legislature that just made sense, no matter who proposed it. It would benefit America as a whole, and most people would get behind it. Now it’s so much party line nonsense. Literal nonsense because the logic for voting for or against something is rarely what is in the actual bill. :confused:

We really need a fucking paradigm shift.


My right wing father says it’s because that the republicans are tired of hearing about her all the time and her being the scorn of the press and are happy to jettison her for a more quiet form of bigotry, hate and fascism.


This is how the bottom of the title was cut off when I was scrolling through YouTube earlier. While I knew it had more I also thought it was more plausible than it should be.


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