Married couple get divorced so their girlfriend doesn't get jealous

You must be on Donald Trump’s team. I think you work for him, because you are doing his work here.

IOW, you didn’t tell me I’m simply wrong with your statement. You equated me with a bunch of assholes, which is what I just did back. That’s a slur.

English is a hell of a language and yet so few grasp it.

The former is perfectly grammatical. It’s not something one would usually say, but, then, neither is “Members divorce each other.”

“The couple divorce the couple” is grammatically incorrect, because either the couple are divorcing each other, in which case that should be specified, or the couple, acting together, is divorcing itself from something, in which case that should be specified.

1Not all uses of “to get” require an indirect object, though: “to get” in the sense of “to understand,” for example, does not.


No I didn’t equate you with anyone. I said a statement you made has a similar effect to different statements/actions that is similar. You are free to disagree on whether you think that is true or not but it is not equating you with them. Doing that would be saying “You are just like these terrible people!” which I specifically did not do. You seem to be inferring that because you don’t want to be like them or to be associated with them, and I wouldn’t blame you for that, I wouldn’t either.

And I’m still waiting for you to explain fruit sewer. I suppose I could google it, but why?

EDIT: Here I’ll clarify a small point which may change your perspective. Addition in bold:
“I read your other posts. It doesn’t change anything. You can claim all you want that you are accepting of these people’s lifestyle but it doesn’t matter whether you are or not. You are still doing the work of the people who want to reverse progress.”

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You are like so many other passive aggressives here on the BB BBS. You can’t see yourself.

“It doesn’t matter what you said, I’m going to assign it my own meaning and insinuate that you are doing the work of people who want to reverse progress.”

Which is a very lazy way to converse, and it’s no wonder you would evoke a strong reaction. The statement

is an equation. It equates me with those who want to reverse progress. Well, I declare, sir, you are wrong to insinuate such a thing. If I were in the same room with you, I would beat you about the head and shoulders with a rolled up towel, landing several blows until red welts appeared and you recanted your preposterous assertions.

Come on now. Let’s not go there. When you lump people together to denigrate them, the conversation stops being about the subject and starts being about personal defence. Don’t do that. This is a great conversation and I don’t want to see it derailed.


How else would you expect someone to tell you that, regardless of your intentions however benign they may be, your words are hurtful and likely to be harmful in the same way that someone else’s are?

I’ve never once cast any question on your intentions. Like I said, I don’t care because they aren’t relevant. What is relevant is comments like this:

“To me, this article is a lot like the (now) occasional (thankfully) articles about gay men or lesbian women or a transgender person “coming out,” especially a famous person. My reaction is a big, “meh, WTF cares?” So what Andersen Cooper or whoever is gay, or Kaitlin Jenner is trans… like it changes anything and I don’t really give a shit. YOU DO YOU, and have fun kids”

These kinds of comments shame people into staying silent about who they are when it is different from the norm which is harmful. It is similar to the “don’t ask don’t tell feel free to be gay but don’t let anyone know about it” policy.

You may not intend for it to do that but that’s what it does. You still haven’t offered any argument refuting that assertion. Feel free to keep saying whatever you want, but I think its bullshit when people tell someone who is marginalized not to share about themselves publicly because it is good for people to see other sides of normal that they aren’t used to. I think its even more bullshit when it comes from people who claim to accept them for who they are.

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No. Emphatically it does not. That is YOUR read.

Feel free to keep saying whatever you want, but those words do not do that. They shame no one, and denigrate no one.

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I’m not giving up on this fruit sewer thing. Google returns results that are all about fruit flies and I refuse to admit Google has a page 2.

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It’s not a Google thing. It’s all contained in this thread, unless those posts got deleted. Let me look.

In the same way that “don’t ask don’t tell” didn’t shame or denigrate anyone or is it different this time? I’d really like to hear you support your assumption that it doesn’t with something.

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I saw the part about peach sewing, but that was it.

Higher up than that. I’m still looking.

Yes, it’s still here in the thread. When you figure it out, you’ll want to roll a towel and snap ME. But I’m ready for you with my towel and we can have another snap fest.

It is completely appropriate IN MY OPINION when the person in question is misappropriating my feelings and perspective. I notnonce said I have a problem with their relationship itself. The implication here that I am an intolerant right wing nut job.

My issue is and will remain the idea it’s a story. I don’t see it as some self righteous act of bravery. My spouse and I do not force the fact we are interracial to anyone. We just are who we are. Period.

Again though. Thanks for putting me in my place and scolding me. Good job.

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No, don’t ask don’t tell isn’t anything even like what I said. I specifically said, “my reaction is, WTF cares?” As in, that’s what my mind says inside, “who cares if so-and-so is insert X sexual preference.” That’s not doing any hate group’s dirty work. In fact, I even went on to say, “YOU DO YOU, have fun kids.” Which is the furthest thing homophobes and hatemongers think. As far as I know, they DON’T want people to have fun being themselves. They want them NOT to be themselves and instead be some weird thing they think they should be instead of who they really are.

So I really don’t see the point of your attacks. My statements were so far from hate I cannot even understand why you would go down this path. Other than that weird righteous passive-aggressiveness that seems to pervade anonymous internet discussions. People just immediately go for the jugular for some reason. I think it’s stupid. When it’s directed at me, I think it’s doubly stupid. Worthy of some towel snaps.


When you accuse someone who criticises (or even mischaracterizes) your comment as causing you to be “not allowed to voice my option”, yes - I’m going to call you out on the false accusation of authoritarianism. No one said you weren’t allowed to anything.

Doubling down and acting like criticism = scolding does not help your position.


WTF cares is the point. You are saying something that communicates nobody cares when there are people that certainly do. WTF cares is more than saying, “this doesn’t interest me.” That’s shaming and you can say it doesn’t imply a “be quiet” mindset but I think you’d be in the minority. If this were a country/world that didn’t have such a judgmental mindset about sex and relationships then it would be a different story. Context is important.

It reminds me of when I asked a gay friend about his rugby team which was labeled as such. I wanted to know why they did that when heteros were still allowed on the team etc. His reaction was that it was for a response to all the teams that specifically didn’t allow gay people on them and to let people know it was safe their. Poly couples aren’t “safe” in America in the same way that traditional hetero couples are. It’s important for that to be challenged and public exposure is one way to challenge that. Saying “WTF” is antagonistic to that message whether you meant it that way or not.

Your follow up wasn’t exactly enlightening on your viewpoints either

“No, it’s not and you are yet another blowhard fruit-sewer with an axe to grind on the internet. Glad you had your fun.”

My attacks. Ha, you are fun.

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I’ve been involved in snap fests before, they don’t turn out well for me. I found the part above, still don’t get it but at least I know its not some juicy insult that I’ve been missing out on all these years.

all I feel is self righteousness and being chastised. I’ll say it again. Good job.

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That’s precisely what my internal thoughts are saying. You put a sinister reading on what I wrote, which, again, I reject. That’s not shaming. Go look up the meaning of shaming. You have quite the vocabulary list going, now. Shamers don’t say things like “you do you” or have a live and let live philosophy. What you’ve done is twisted my statement into something to fit the axe you are grinding. That’s the real shame here and with the BBS in general: a bunch of social crusaders eating their own.

One of my favorite community guidelines is where it says don’t repeat yourself.

If you’ve already said something like, twice, don’t say it a third time.

It doesn’t matter who’s right, or what an asshole your opponent is.