Married couple get divorced so their girlfriend doesn't get jealous

Insert ‘flounce’ gif here _____.


And I just snarfed piping hot tea. :angry:




Damn tootin’! And the gin in it only helped a little.


Or, like some of us, they already know their own families are intolerant assholes, and they’re more interested in normalizing ‘alternative’ healthy, loving relationships, regardless.


Shhhh! Don’t ‘parade’ all over that one’s “rain.”



Good for them, doing what they want to do. But I see trouble on the horizon. At the end when he says he knows their love will last a lifetime? Wow, that’s a red flag when a couple says it, let alone three people. Prediction: 21-yr-old gets tired of it in a few years and leaves, and the original couple…well, they’re already divorced and that will save them some time.


How could an already famous person transition with out coming out. People would notice and declare it a coming out either way.

Celebrity relationships end up in the news regardless, even when the people involved try to actually hide it.


Whoops. :wink:


I wish I’d known the interwebs were full of concerned relationship counsellors when I mistakenly got into a shitty relationship with my het opposite sex partner and wound up 19 years a single mum. Oddly, all I heard lo these many years was fucking crickets. Not. One. Person. Was magically concerned about the child(ren).


I’m more weirded out by the age gap than the whole triad thing.

I don’t think I would have been ready for any sort of long term relationship at 21, especially one involving someone’s kids from another marriage.

(It’s one thing to leave an adult, but I think you should be very, very sure a relationship will last before becoming a major part of a child’s life)


I hear that, and agree, the age diff is a bit weird to me too.

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Very concerned internet relationship counselors are notoriously fickle. With so many people in just dire need of unsolicited advice, they can only tell so many people they’re living life all wrong. /s


Oh, that helps me understand. Thank you! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not that I don’t agree, but I find it fascinating how much more concern there is for the children of the minority of people in non-het and/or non-mono relationships than for the vastly greater number of children facing the same or equally challenging situations in mono-hetero relationships. Surely people who are sincerely concerned (and I think most of the people voicing concerns here are sincere) can see how that comes across as making life needlessly more difficult for those people.


How old is the couple though? I honestly can’t tell. I couldn’t even tell which one of the triad was supposed to be the young one. If they got married in their late teens (like many in my family did) this could be a late 20s couple.

I get what you’re saying though. 21 years old and 29 are worlds apart in our culture, even if they don’t have to be and didn’t used to be. I have no idea what’s going on either way, and can only speculate.

Speaking of which.

Please don’t give my Best Man speech.


Yeah. There is a difference between criticizing what someone says vs making assumptions about what they think. You should know the difference.

I’m not gonna lie, after watching The Sign of Three, I wanted Benedict Cumberbatch to go back in time and deliver my best man speech. I haven’t mentioned this to my best man.


Naw, I’m not an internet relationship counselor, or I’d be trying to speak to them and counsel them. I’m just an internet relationship armchair quarterback, so I post on forums and speculate. Know the difference! :slight_smile:


Social security benefits, for one. The original couple is entitled to a claim on each other’s benefits because they were married for more than 10 years. (Assuming the one who doesn’t marry the third partner doesn’t remarry, so when they have a second wedding, the third partner should marry the higher earner to maximize benefits.) The third partner will also have a claim on the benefits of the one she marries as long as they stay married for 10 years, or if that person dies while they’re married. (The one thing they can’t do is if one of the new marriage dies; the two remaining should not marry each other, because then they will both forfeit the claim on the deceased’s widow/widower SS benefits.)

The original couple will maintain custody of the children, per their agreement, and because they share custody, the original spouses can be empowered to make legal, financial and medical decisions for one another via that shared custody and probably a couple of powers of attorney. The third partner will gain the ability to make legal, financial and medical decisions over the one she marries, and again through POA, can be granted the same rights over the one she doesn’t marry.

As hacks go, it’s a fairly elegant one for the problem of forcing a government to recognize a non-binary relationship. Mazes tov to all involved, and may they continue to exhibit thoughtful, compassionate, practical behavior.