Martin Bashir resigns; MSNBC host suggested Sarah Palin's mouth be shat in

Well, shit comes OUT of her mouth all the time. Maybe some shit should go INTO it for a change…

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OMFG… the dude didn’t even say the words themselves. Why the hell would the assholes at MSNBC react in this way. His response was metered and as non-offensive as such a suggestion could be.

You’re fucking worthless pieces of shit MSNBC… everyone please tweet/contact these motherfuckers to complain.

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Actually, if China takes over this continent, it could be like slavery as described.

I’ve suggested she be loaded into a missile and launched into the sun every time I’ve been unfortunate enough to see her in the news. Mr. Bashir should have stuck to his guns and told the network “Yeah, I said that. Here’s a 2 hour montage of Sarah Palin clips. If after watching that you don’t feel I was justified, then fire me.”

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They didn’t. They did. A glance at discussion above suggests that there’s nothing worth discussing here.

Precisely. If they were going to fire him, it was for the wrong reasons.

The name-calling was just puerile. Any (cough) dunce can do that. And it was clearly unnecessary; her ignorance is obvious to any informed viewer.

But his suggestion that she might benefit from a dose of that ugly slave punishment – now THAT had some literary class and creativity.

It is a suicide pact for China to start selling off T-bills on the secondary market. It is like that scene in random shitty action movies where the good guy is holding onto the villain who is swinging over a cliff, and the villain pulls out a knife and tries to gut the good guy. It is dumb. Yeah, you might cut the the good guy, but then you, you know, die. The consequence of China liquidating its T-bills is like trying to knife someone holding you from going off a cliff.

There is the obvious effect in that China basically trashes a huge pile of money in exchange for making US borrowing more expensive. There is also the secondary concern that knifing one of your largest economic partners in the face when you are already dealing with unpleasantly high civil unrest isn’t going to end well. The US can weather a depression, even a sever one, and maintain continuous governance. China can’t. An America hurt by China can simply move to one of the many other low cost factory nations. There is nothing to fill the gaping US shaped economic void that a crippled US would leave in China’s economy. Beyond that, hurting the US also damages all of your other trading partners, and that is just the accidental damage that a hurt US can do to you. The horrible things the US can do to a nation with its banking system if it thinks you are being naughty make the accidental things it can do look pleasant.

The fear mongering about US bonds in Chinese hands is absurd on its face. US T-bonds are a sword China can gut itself with and not much else. The US isn’t going to burn down its favorite factory and largest consumer market, and China isn’t going test how long the current regime can survive when a billion and a half people get told that they are not going to be next middle class.


Two comments:

1- If I ever find myself saying, “This next part isn’t racist,” then I hope I have the good sense to not say the next part.

2- I’m curious if Mr. Bashir made a similar rant on any of the hundreds of occasions when someone has compared a Republican to a Nazi.

It’s not codified, so no-one will get in trouble unless it’s obvious spamming, but it’s liable to get edited/deleted unless it’s a product reco/discussion thread or otherwise relevant to be posting amazon or iTunes links or whatever.

Actually, if -------------------------, it could be ----------------------------.

  • silver dollars rained from the sky; dangerous outdoors
  • I could shit gold; awesome
  • I lived closer to work; easier to commute
  • penguins weren’t flightless; bad news for air traffic over Antarctica

One would think that anyone born in London would be familiar with the pointlessness of “carrying coal to Newcastle.”


There’s another debt which could be called in. Cash. Many people in the world stockpile actual US greenbacks as a form of stable wealth that they physically control. I’ve seen estimates in the trillions of USD. If the US had defaulted on its financial obligations as a result of the recent GOP theatrics, the USD might have lost its appeal as stable wealth. If this silent overhang of cash has an avalanche from people switching to Euros, the sudden flood of that much USD currency would be an inflationary tsunami.

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If he had lost his job for criticizing someone in power, that would mean something. Sarah Palin is yesterday’s news- the only reason she gets any air at all is because people like him give it to her. There is so much vile shit being written into law, this woman is sheer distraction, nothing more. That he picked this particular sword to fall on doesn’t say much for his strength of character.

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This is the best comment here.

Is this sort of thing common in news commentary these days?

I can almost imagine whoever was writing this cackling to himself (or herself) and thinking, “Tee hee, I’m just like John Stewart!” Except John Stewart tends to be funny. This is just artless.

The US owns most of the US debt. Always has, always will. In fact, China’s assorted cut of the debt isn’t as big as it was five years ago.

Or, instead of being passive-aggressive you could just trim out any affiliate links and explain the link better next time, it looked spammy and I’m sure more than one reader marked it as such.

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If only they were progressive versus a “counter” to Fox.

This, this, this!

I think it’s just name-calling and petty, and totally unnecessary. I think it’s possible (maybe more like ridiculously easy) to answer Palin’s moronic statements without getting to insults and name-calling.

Why stoop to their level?

It’s like a giant battle of violinists dueling “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” on the world’s smallest violins… Maybe Sarah has a point and doesn’t even realize it. Maybe all the white people will ditch with the gains they made from debt and leave a largely black population to foot the bill with perma-wage-slavery.