Maryland rapists have child rights after all-male panel fails to protect victims with bill

Just my opinion, and Im not saying it is any better than the blanket misogyny excuse.

In fairness, the right has been guilty of a whole lot more of this idiocy of late than the left.

Edit: Also, just because someone is a registered Democrat does not meant they aren’t right wing. Especially anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line.


I’m glad to be able to “mansplain” thus for you. Your welcome.

I’m a (British) native-English speaker and it confused me too, but it’s not entirely dialectical.

The use of “child rights” rather than “parental rights” seemed strange to me but I think the main issue is the way that headlines seem to have developed a grammar all of their own.

I’m pretty sure there’s a term for it (in linguistics, everything has a term) but my favourite example of this is a local newspaper hoarding I saw outside a shop a couple of years back:


I honestly stopped walking and stared at it for about 30 seconds before my brain managed to parse it. I can only assume that the subeditor was a fellow linguistics nerd and was having a bad day, which he wanted to pass on to other people…


You’re selling young white Christian men short, I think. Many of them are just as regressive as their fathers and grandfathers.


I hope that, nevertheless, she will persist.


Well, your example did take me a while as well, but at least I could. No such with the article here.

I don’t know how to tell you this but… men and women are pro-choice at exactly the same rate. 57%. Those identifying as white are at the second place in acceptance (ahead of Hispanics, behind non-Hispanic blacks).

Age is a decent predictor (falling about 3% per age group, though it levels off in the end with everyone over 50 having roughly the same split).

The best predictor is being an evangelical protestant followed closely by those identifying as ‘conservative republicans.’ Those basically crowd out everything else, though naturally, you’d expect the two to be very closely correlated.

So… really, it’s “when evangelical protestant men/women of any age but conservative republican leanings get involved.”

(Source is this. I’ll take it all back if it turns out the data’s bad, but I’ve given it the once-over and it seems solid)


I always assumed that their objection to passing these laws was that they thought that women in custody battles would all claim the child’s father had raped them in order to take away his parental rights, but there’s probably all sorts of layers of bullshit here.


What lessons?

  1. The state won’t protect
  2. The state won’t protect
  3. The state won’t protect

True. Seems like that stupid does get passed along.

True, but considering the level of “government” we have in this country, I usually figure it’s old, white, “Christian” men. However it is, the whole thing is dumber than a bag of rocks (sorry bag of rocks).


It’s called being a parent… :wink:


Or it will when you get the right people in office who care about their constituents.


Hasn’t happened yet

You’re bringing team sports into this? I get why, I’m just very tired of people thinking this makes a difference, even rhetorically.

I’ll bite. Why is the Democratic party just as bad as the Republican party?

(Maybe make a new thread for this…?)

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Feel free, but expect a lot of argument over the definition of “just as bad”.

Burnt alive is worse than dying in your sleep, but at the end of the day you’re still just as dead. I’m willing to advocate for the hopelessly corrupt corporate party over the shamelessly corrupt fascist party, but that’s just a matter of prioritising which enemy to combat first.


I dunno, as far as lesser evils, one party pays at least lip service to civil rights. The other, the opposite.

Both parties are hopeless corrupt corporate parties, they just differ in the types of corporations that they pander to.


With both parties, it’s worthwhile to pay attention to their actions rather than their words.

Clinton created the mass incarceration state; Biden helped to push through the judges that gutted the VRA; the Dems as a whole have done very little to advance Black America’s interests since the Civil Rights Act and much to impede them.

Their actual policies are far to the right of their rhetoric. They usually like to claim that they’re forced into it by the need to compromise with Republican legislators, but their actions when they held the legislature in the first years of the Obama presidency revealed that to be nothing more than camouflage.


Was it all a fever dream?

Has no progress been made?