McDonald's 1987 fashion catalog is a horrorshow

As a teenage alt/hippy-ish/mutant growing up in Dunedin, New Zealand in the in 1980s, the caps posted by bI0tt0 bring back memories.

McDonald’s opened on the main street in about 1989, or 90. I’m pretty sure they demolished a large old Victorian theatre that hardly anyone knew existed - I knew it was there because when I was little, back in about 1980, my dad joined a punk street theatre group called Ltoloxa (pronounced Axolotl) based in that abandoned theatre - they ran concerts there too. I remember one of the bands was called Flying Backwards. The name struck me as funny as an 8 year old.

So, the Mackers opened. That’s what we call it in NZ - Mackers. And it stood for all that was wrong with the world.

I vowed never to go inside - except to use the washroom. But my dad’s flatmate was an American. Came to study in Dunners around the time they were drafting back in the US. He was so excited when it opened. He loved MacDonald’s. And one day he brought home a red and yellow cap.

I wore that cap. It became part of my outfit: oversized grey vintage trench coat, black Doc Marten’s with black laces, a mauve silk scarf warn like a cowboy, and a thin cotton peaked cap branded with golden arches.


When did McDonald’s become Sunderland AFC’s shirt sponsor?


No lingerie? Not interested.


Freedom Fry.

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A phone where you get to talk into Ronald’s ass?!!

That’s so like 80’s passive aggressive…

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It’s an ongoing theme with that clown.

I love the look on his face. It’s like “This is really awkward…”

@codinghorror ooh what’s this new fanciness?

Sorry, there was a minor error there, we should onebox the imgur mobile form of the URL as well. Added to our list!

I am going to politely disagree because all of this apparel strikes me as chic-retro/vintage and I want to wear all of it.

If you don’t cringe looking at 80’s fashion, you’re probably too young to have been stuck wearing it.


Yes. I am a 20 year old queer male theatre artist.
Excellent point.


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