McKinney “Pool Party” police officer Eric Casebolt resigns after video of teen abuse goes viral

Fucking autocorrect!

Still better than ellipses abuse. :smile:

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If a civilian had come into that or any other similar situation that out of control, they would probably have been shot dead by some attending officer. Or at the very least arrested.

Also, shouldn’t the other officers present at an event like this be REQUIRED to step in and stop the officer who is acting out & remove HIM from the situation for their & everyone else’s safety? Seems kinda negligent to let him continue. (You know, the indifference of good men or something…)


The problem being that he was the commanding officer on scene.

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Your pension is part of your compensation for working. How it is funded is an interesting question, but beside the point here.

It’s not beside the point. If a pension were like a 401k or an IRA, it’d be his own money and they couldn’t take it from him no matter what he does. If it’s a pooled fund, then him receiving his share of it can be contingent on not getting fired for cause. He won’t be getting a full pension at least, since he’s retiring early.

(Now that I catch up on scrollback, what @aydo said.)

You’re asking the other cops to a) figure out this guy is over-reacting and not reacting appropriately to things they hadn’t seen or noticed, b) do it while they’re supposed to be dealing with citizens at the party, and b) stand up to him in front of the group they’re trying to deal with (people of any kind very rarely turn on their own in front of outsiders).

If he was acting like that because they created a culture that made him think that was appropriate behaviour then the whole department needs to be dealt with and turned over until its fixed. But as for stopping him in the act I think it’s a lot tougher than you think to even start registering what’s happening.

Problem #1 right here. A police officer’s “own” is the community s/he serves.

Problem #2 right here. The police are the only ones who are legally allowed to break up physical altercations, arrest people, defend the public etc. They constantly brag about situational awareness, and trying to get the facts straight. But if they can’t do that, what’s the goddamn point of even having them, and saddling them with this kind of authority? If they can’t do their job well without threatening to shoot people randomly, then they’re more trouble than they’re worth.

Otherwise, yes I agree with your points about turning over the department if there’s a culture violent threats.


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