Megyn Kelly joins Nikki Haley in bashing Donald Trump: "He rambles...probably age-related" (video)

Originally published at: Megyn Kelly joins Nikki Haley in bashing Donald Trump: "He rambles...probably age-related" (video) - Boing Boing


I don’t care what either Megyn Kelly or Nate Silver thinks of Il Douche. They both continue to enable the MAGA movement in their own way, and are only concerned that his style may lose it its chance at power.


Also: he always was a boring, rambling, nonsense talking, racist, misogynistic piece of shit.

They only notice now when he’s losing bigly?

Bigly autocorrect. Bigly. Bigly, bigly, bigly, bigly, okay?


She hasn’t got the guts to say that Trump has dementia, so she relies on her audience figuring out what she means by “age-related” and “senior moments”.


Oooooo, please let them boot Trump and let Vance run against Harris cos it worked so well for the Dems!


They’re only finding their guts because Trump is now behind in the polls. Just a few weeks ago, Nikki Haley was bending the knee to him at the Republican Convention. And this is the first time I’ve heard Kelly criticize him since that one debate way back in 2016 which led him to make those disgusting statements about her bleeding or whatever the hell it was he said.

Also, I’m pretty sure they’ve decided to see if they can do to Trump what they think they saw happen with Biden. But Trump is not Biden. Biden wasn’t forced out. He saw the writing on the wall, that he was going to lose, and he stepped aside. I’m not entirely happy with how it went down, but the end result was that Biden voluntarily stepped aside. Trump will never do that. So all they’re doing here is weakening Trump, and I am all for that.


Eight years of M Kelly promoting his nonsense and now we’re supposed to say, “Yay Megyn!” She’s a trash pump. The less ink she gets, the better.


You can take the woman out of Fox News but you can’t take Fox News out of the woman.
For reasons i can’t fathom, they kept inviting Kelly on to the BBC’s Newsnight over here to spout her garbage recently when they were all pushing for the Dems to get rid of Biden. Remember that? Was about a thousand years ago.


Megyn Kelly and Nikki Haley desperately trying to stay relevant in a World that has moved on and shown no sign of missing them.


I was confused why they insisted on bringing her on (especially as she now seems to be wearing a completely different face) - but then I realised the new Newsnight is more concerned with controversy and clicks than actual journalism or debate - they just had Claire Fox on - FFS.


Yeah, the new format of the programme just sucks. They used to do those longform journalistic films that got cut along with the budget and some of the presenters did not hide their dissatisfaction.


I’m sure they’ve always noticed, but they only dare say anything now that he reeks of loser.


They did a super awkward farewell to the excellent Mark Urban where they couldn’t quite say that he didn’t want anything to do with the omnishambles that BBC News has become.

Between the gutting of Newsnight and whatever the fuck the rolling bollocks of BBC NEWS is meant to be, they just don’t bother doing serious journalism any more. Which is a shame as they still have many great journalists who could do the sort of stories that now seem to be the preserve of Channel 4 News. They could probably afford to have a grown up news programme if they got rid of the weekly horror show of Question Time.


I can get that stank from over here. It’s rotting.


“When he has what appears to be senior moments,” Kelly said. “I will call him out on it. And he doesn’t like that, and I can’t say that I blame him, but that’s my job.”

I thought her job was to say racist drivel and get angry about the idea of Santa being non-white? Or it at least that was her job until NBC kicked her to the curb for being unwilling to shut up about blackface. Go away, Megyn. Nobody’s impressed with you and your ilk suddenly finding your integrity (ha) only after Trump starts suffering (potentially) mortal wounds.


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Didn’t he reek of loser in the last three election cycles?


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